Meeting February 2013

February 2013


 Meeting February 8th 2013.



  1. Klecha, C. Robertson, M. Watts, J. Priest, C. Cheeseman, S. Cheeseman, T. Barrell,
  2. Barrell, M. Phillips, S. Phillips, A. Collins, C. Collins, M. Kennedy, B. Naish,
  3. Roast, J. Record, K. Walsh, L. Dartnell, G. Nicholson, L. Pickett.


  1. Bacon, C. Barker, S. Maloney.


Matters Arising

Conifers still not cut back – Andrew will contact the owners of the property. Cost of pyracanthas £25- £30 for 10. Cost of hawthorn to be looked into. (20 needed)

Correction from last months’ minutes: Best not to use gro-more on clay soil, as it is soluble and may wash away.

Barbed wire by the footpath at Bull Meadow was removed at the work party. Part of the fence needs to be painted with anti-climb paint. THERE WILL BE ANOTHER WORK PARTY SUNDAY 24TH FEBRUARY. Alan to supply the paint from Rosedale Shed. Two more signs are needed which we have in stock.


Rosedale Road Report:

Good work carried out by all who turned up for the work party. Looks good! Manure and chippings needed.

A member appealed against his eviction for non cultivation of his plot – the committee’s decision was upheld. He requested to go back onto the waiting list, and was given a contact number for the new plots due to open at Blackshots.

PLEASE NOTE: There are still some plots not being worked. We have signed an agreement with the Council which includes the phrase: We must keep the site, clean, tidy and cultivated. Some plots at the moment are not up to scratch, if they are not being worked by the spring YOU ARE AT RISK OF EVICTION. It is not acceptable to just strim your plot.


Bull Meadow Report:

Anti-vandal paint to be applied at work party (see date above) Water leak has finally been fixed and the water-board rescinded the last invoice and gave a credit for £30. Well done Andrew.


Treasurers Report:

Raffle raised £23.00  Balance £3544.52

As the bank now require a letter for additional statemenst, it was agreed that the balance should be given monthly, and verified 3 monthly when a statement is received.



Thanks to Jane for dealing with the Kings Seeds Orders. Any bulky items e.g. potatoes, bushes etc. will be delivered straight to the plot holder.

Three metal signs regarding parking at your own risk have been ordered.

It was agreed by all that Little Thurrock School could re-visit the site if they so wished.

Clive will purchase paraffin to make sure the fire on site burns.

Gro-organic will be ordered again. The cost is the same as last year £6.00 per bag.




Veggie Talk.

Plant shallots in the ground this month. Broad beans can be sown in pots ready for planting out later.

Suggestion: try planting parsnip seeds in toilet roll tubes to start them off.

Apple trees should be pruned now. Cut back by 1/3rd to an outward facing bud.

Cherries, plums etc. should not be pruned until Summer.

Chadwell Allotment Association Shop is now open Sunday 9.30-12 noon and

 Wednesday  2-4 p.m.