Meeting February 2015

February 2015


 Meeting 13.02.14



  1. Collins, A. Collins, C.Robertson, T. Briggs, L. Dartnell, S. Cheeseman, A. Klecha,
  2. Rollings, P. Rollings, K. Walsh, D. Smith, P. Jay, M. Jay, P. Blackburn, H. Carroll,
  3. Barnes, K. Bacon, L. Roast.

Apologies: C. Cheeseman, S. Maloney.


Matters Arising:

1 conifer has been cut back by Thurrock Council, apparently it is their land.

Due to there not being much interest from members re: buffet/disco, the 20th anniversary will be celebrated at the September meeting with food/wine. IF YOU WILL BE ATTENDING – CAN YOU LET ME KNOW (and how many) FOR CATERING PURPOSES AND ALSO NUMBERS AS THE HALL WILL ONLY HOLD AROUND 50.

Solar light has been purchased for the tool shed.


Rosedale Road Report:

Manure on site. Chipping needed. Stuart and Clive have cut down the tree at the south end of the plot. Thanks go to them. A large amount of carpet needs to be lifted from this plot and disposed of. A skip maybe needed. This plot can then be let.

WORK PARTY WILL NOW BE SATURDAY 21ST FEBRUARY 10-12 NOON- at Rosedale Road Site. Help appreciated

A further £48.50 has been raised from scrap found on this plot. So far, 2 visors and oil for the machines has been purchased. A record will be kept. Clive proposed that Alan should be given £10 petrol money from this amount for the running around – agreed by all present.

New rotavator has developed a fault and is in for repair. (Still under warrantee)

Several plots on site are looking neglected. This is the time of year to prepare the soil for spring planting. If you cannot/do not intend to work your plot, can you please let us know NOW so that they can be re-let for this season.  It is not fair to people who work their plot if they are surrounded by weedy/unkempt plots.  YOU RISK EVICTION IF YOUR PLOT IS NOT USED/KEPT TIDY AS PER YOUR AGREEMENT AND OURS WITH THE COUNCIL.


Bull Meadow Report:

Looking good. A few trees have been removed from 1 plot, but the willow and ash still need to be coppiced. Les has a lopper that the tenant can use. Woodchips needed.

WORK PARTY WILL BE SUNDAY 22ND FEBRUARY 10-12 NOON – at Bull Meadow –help appreciated.


Treasurer’s Report:

Raffle raised £19.50.  Balance : £4355.06.


Either 50 or 36 more bags of Gro Organic will be ordered (depending on the amount they will deliver)



A test was carried out by John Record on the manure:

3 pots : 1 with pure manure, 1 with manure/soil and 1 with soil only. Broad beans were planted in each – they all grew healthily. If the ones with the manure keel over, manure is probably infected. You may try this yourself.

Chadwell Allotment Association is open (far end of Oxford Avenue- Chadwell) £1 per year joining fee (you can save more than this on one purchase)

Opening hours:  Wednesday 2-4 p.m. and Sunday 9-12 noon.

Future ATA meeting will be held at the White Heart Pub in Grays dates to be arranged.


Next meeting: Friday 13th March 8 p.m. Tyrells Hall Club.


Veggie Talk:

It is time to prepare your ground for spring planting.

Plant shallots, broad beans, fruit trees/bushes.

Strawberries – cover these in manure/straw for food/protection.