March 2013
Rosedale Road & Bull Meadow Allotment Association
Meeting 8th March 2013
S.Maloney, L. Roast, B. Naish, C. Barker, J. Priest, G. Nicholson, L. Dartnell, M. Watts, J. Record, M. Kennedy, A. Collins, C. Collins, C. Robertson, A. Klecha, K. Walsh,
- Smith.
Apologies: M. Phillips, S. Phillips, K. Bacon.
Matters Arising:
Kings Seeds delivered some of the outstanding items to Jane’s address, we wait to see if the outstanding items will be delivered here too!
Andrew is waiting to hear about the conifers that need to be cut down. During the last work party at Bull Meadow, Andrew with the help of Connor Watts removed 2 lots of carpet to the tip. It was agreed to give £20 towards fuel costs. Thanks to all who turned up to help. Hopefully, manure will be delivered next week.
Rosedale Road Report:
Rubbish is being dumped at the Rookery end of the site, please do not put your rubbish here, dispose of it yourself. Keep your eye out for anyone from outside dumping rubbish over the fence.
Car Parking signs are up. Manure should be delivered next week. Thanks to Tony for getting more tyres for wall.
Bull Meadow Report:
Rubbish is being thrown over the perimeter fence to outside of the site. Please do not do this, dispose of your rubbish properly. Car parking signs up. Manure should be delivered next week.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance: £3166.08
Bags of fertilizer are available for sale £6.00 per bag. Best time is Saturday mornings.
Mark Kennedy is to be reimbursed for the cost of the Web Site.
At the ATA meeting it was stated that because we have 10 year leases from the Council, the land should be registered with the land registry at a cost of approx £100 per site. This is to protect us from the Council selling the land over our heads. It was agreed by all present that this should be done. If you have any comments on this, please present them at the next meeting.
There is a new allotment site opening at Blackshots, and one on the old crazy golf course at Grays Beach.
Water will be turned on 1st of April if we need it or not!
We are thinking of running an outing on October 19th to the Brogdale Apple Festival in Kent, if anyone is interested, could you please e-mail me to register your interest.
NEXT MEETING Friday 12th April 2013, Tyrells Hall Club 8 p.m,.
Veggie Talk:
Smiths Garden Centre have a new potatoe Casablanca which is ready in 59 days.
New potatoes can be planted when the ground warms up. The traditional time for planting them is Good Friday. Parsnips can be planted, Onion sets and shallots also.
To try to prevent blight on site, it is suggested that you spray at least twice in the growing season with Bordeaux.