Meeting May 2011

May 2011


 Meeting 13th May 2011.

Pres: C. Robertson, C. Barker, S. Maloney, L. Roast, L. Dartnell, J. Priest, K. Bacon, A. Collins, C. Collins

Apologies: A. Klecha, C.Cheeseman, S. Cheeseman, G. Nicholson.


Matters Arising:

  1. Priest will enquire as to whether we will be invited to attend Little Thurrock School Fete. An e-mail will be sent to members when we have this information.

A few bags of gro-organic are still available. See Keith.


Rosedale Road Report:

Prickly plants obtained from Grays Police have been planted around the boundary.. Thanks to Clive, Keith, Roy, Tony. Chippings needed.

Two plots are very overgrown. One will be sent a letter, the other has been contacted by telephone and has agreed to give half of his up. Pallets by the gate can be taken by members for compost bins etc.

A wedding ring has been lost on site, please hand it to Alan if found.


Bull Meadow Report:

Plenty of manure.


Treasurer’s Report:  Balance £2,684.4.

Clive has taken a reading of the water-meter and so far the bill comes to appox. £154.00

Use water wisely, preferably early morning or evening when it does the most good.



Plot inspection will be carried our during June. This is to ensure plots are being used for the purpose intended as  Point 2 of the agreement below: signed by all members.

  1. The Tenant shall comply with the following conditions:

(a)        He/she shall use the said Allotment Garden wholly or mainly for the cultivation of vegetable, flower or fruit crops (and keeping authorised livestock) for consumption by him/herself or his/her family and shall not use the said Allotment Garden for the purpose of a trade of business.

(b)        He/she shall to the satisfaction of the Association’s Site Management committee/representatives (for the time being) or such other person nominated by the Association/Group as the responsible officer for allotments (hereinafter called “the Officer”) keep the said Allotment Garden clean and in good state of cultivation and fertility and free from weeds.


Next meeting 10th June 8 p.m. Tyrrells Hall Club.