Meeting May 2012

May 2012




  1. Collins, C. Collins A. Klecha, L. Dartnell, A. Clear, S.Mahoney, L. Roast, B. Naish,
  2. Barker, S.Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, K.Bacon, J. Priest.

Apologies: K. Walsh.


Matters Arising:

Oak tree still to be trimmed. Constitution has been passed. Copies will be e-mailed to all members, and posted to those without e-mail.

Manure: there has been flooding at the stable, hopefully we will have a delivery soon.

Luke Love (TBC) will be replacing the lock on the bar gate at Bull Meadow. Dip at the entrance to Rosedale Road to be looked at again.


Rosedale Road Report:

Still a few bags of Gro-Organic for sale, see Alan or Keith or Clive R. The grass has been strimmed by Alan and Keith, thanks for their hard work.


Bull Meadow Report:

Weeds are being thrown onto the main path by a plot holder. Les is to politely tell him to stop.


Treasurer’s Report:

Raffle raised £15.  Balance £2900.62.



Little Thurrock School Fete is on Saturday 30th June. The theme will be cupcakes/cakes made from fruit/vegetables. Volunteers are needed to bake cakes for the day, also help at the fete would be appreciated. Any spare plants would be welcome.

DO NOT FORGET THE INSPECTIONS ARE IN JUNE. You risk losing your plot if it is neglected/undercultivated.

Start growing your beetroot for the competition in October: Heaviest/3 finest beetroot.


Veggie Talk:

Plant: sweetcorn, runners, French beans, cucumbers, etc. Harden them off by standing outside during the day and protecting them at night for a minimum of 2 weeks. Plants outside need to be protected because of danger of frost.

Tomato Blight: You MUST spray at the end of June, before the blight arrives. Bordeaux Mix is the nearest to organic.


Next Meeting: Friday June 8th. 8 p.m. Tyrells Hall Club.