October 2009 AGM
A.G.M. 9th October 2009.
- Priest, G. Nicholson, H. Jopson. S.Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, C. Pellerini, A. Klecha, R. Crowhurst, L. Dartnell, S.Dartnell, S. Watts, M. Watts, K. Philby, R. Philby, S. Maloney, C. Collins, A. Collins, C. Robertson, T. Gudge, A. Gudge, K. Bacon. K. McClay, J. Nightingill, R. Rivett.
Apologies: D. & D. Noon
Matters Arising:
Alan Collins is to obtain notice board for Bull Meadow.
Rosedale Road Report:
One plot has not been worked for months – it will now be re-let. Registered letter sent to plot-holder regarding shed – no reply.
McCulloch Brush cutter cannot be repaired. Site manager would like to purchase a new one, (cost approx £300) also a new rotavator. No objection raised by anyone present. To be costed accurately.
Windows have been left near shed. Please do not do this unless they are to be used on your plot as if they are not taken, it is left to the site manager to dispose of them. (And he has enough to do).
Water turned off 1st October. Leak at turn off tap (water board side) has been reported.
Removal of rubbish is being arranged. (It was agreed to donate £10 to driver towards costs). Two more bags to be added by P. Davies.
Reminder: There is no charge for hiring machinery – just a donation towards petrol and please bring them back in a reasonably clean condition. Contact Alan Collins or Keith Bacon.
Alan Collins and Roy Crowhurst have had ONIONS STOLEN. Please look out for anyone on a plot who should not be there. Thank-you. Suggested another set of keys to shed cut for Clive Robertson.
Bull Meadow Report:
Andrew Klecha has had PEARS STOLEN. Again look out for anyone on a plot who should not be there. Water turned off 1st October. Water bill has doubled this year. The tap has been left running several times. PLEASE MAKE SURE TAP IS TURNED OFF!!
Please note: In theory you are not supposed to water between 10a.m. and 6 p.m. Also hose not to be left running or sprinklers left on.
Andrew obtained some manure from stables just past Tally Ho! And it was infected.
Les Dartnell is arranging for delivery of free manure.
Treasurer’s Report:
BAL: 12.08.09 £3373.64 Est. BAL 09.10.09 £43373.00
Water Bills not received yet.
Peppercorn rent to Council £25.00 per site
Raffle Raised £24.00
The following plot-holders have not paid their subs for this year as yet:
- Alexander
- Baker
- Beaney
D & M. Beerling
- Feltham.
Mr. Udin.
To be reminded by fellow plot holders.
Chairman’s Report: See attached
Committee re-elected: Rosedale Road Site Manager: Alan Collins
Bull Meadow Site Manager: Les Dartnell
Chairman: Andrew Klecha
Treasurer: Clive Robertson
Secretary: Chris Collins
Membership: Christine Pellerini/Sheila Cheeseman
Committee Members: Clive Cheeseman/Lorraine Roast.
Jayne Priest will send off seed orders at the end of October. Please make cheques payable to RR & BM Allotment Association or cash to Jayne at 187 Rectory Road.
Revised copy of the rules to be laminated and put on notice boards.
Grow Organic: Christine will ring for prices and put information in Xmas Cards to members.
It was decided unanimously that if a plot holder (of a half a plot) who is cultivating his plot asks for another half (to make up a full plot) then he/she should be offered the next available half plot, regardless of their place on the waiting list, even if this additional half plot is not adjacent to them.
Waiting list is now 14.
Rep. needed for Essex County Body once a quarter. Next meeting 24th October. If interested, contact Christine Pellerini or Sheila Cheeseman.
Also there is a steering group meeting held at the village hall Parker Road Grays once a quarter. Any-one can attend. Details from Lorraine Roast.
At the next meeting (Friday 13th November) there will be a talk on allotments in Japan and the state of allotments in this country. Andrew Klecha to contact Mark Kennedy re: the use of his lap-top.
Roy Crowhurst thanked the committee for their work. (Thanks Roy)
1st K. Philby 1.6g
2nd A. Gudge .550g
3rd L. Dartnell .500g
4th A. Klecha .450g
5th S. Watts .400g
5th S. Maloney .400g
6th A. Collins .350g
1st A. Klecha
2nd S. Turnidge
2nd L. Dartnell
2nd L. Roast
3rd C.Pellerini
4th S. Cheeseman
4th A. Gudge.
Next meeting Friday 13th November 8 p.m. Tyrells Hall Club.
This meeting will include a talk.
Welcome everyone to our 6th year as a self managed site.
We have had another full active year, with both sites either currently full or waiting for the next tenant from the waiting list.
Because of the waiting list, once again we have carried out the site inspections and although sometimes they seem unpopular, it is important that all plots are fully cultivated, kept from weed seed dispersal, and south paths maintained. Allotments are a hot commodity, and anyone who currently has one should feel very lucky, please maintain your plot, or unfortunately we will have to pass it on to the next person.
In June we attended the Little Thurrock School Fete, and created much interest with the chickens, plant, veg, and elderflower champagne sales, game and raffle. As always, a very enjoyable day with the added bonus of boosting our fund to the tune of £200.
Once again we had a BBQ. This time held at Rosedale Road, and even though Clive was bold enough to change the date, the weather was warm and sunny again… Thank you to everyone who attended, hope you enjoyed it.
Thank you again to Sheila and Christine for running the meeting raffles, all of which help boost the bank balance.
Thank you also to everyone who has volunteered, joined the committee, site managed or done anything that helped the association run relatively smoothly.
This year I’d like to mention a special thank you to Christine and Alan Collins, who applied for and obtained the funds from Grassroots to build a disabled entrance on the north end of the Rosedale Road Site. This has transformed the top end of the site, along with the work party, that re-build the tyre wall and planted out the garden area with shrubs, donated by the contractors.
I hope you have all brought your onions in, and left the ones at Asda on the shelf
Thank You
Andrew Klecha