June 2010
Meeting: Friday 11th June 2010.
Present: S. & C. Cheeseman, K. Walsh, J & J Priest, G. Nicholson, K. Bacon, A. Klecha, C. Robertson, R. Rivett.
Apologies: A & C. Collins, L. Dartnell.
Matters Arising: None
Rosedale Road Report:
Manure needed, D. Beerling giving up plot 19.
Christine Pellerini giving up membership post. (Many thanks for past efforts)
S.Cheeseman will take over the post. Seconded by C. Cheeseman.
Compost bin donated by J. Priest.
Bull Meadow Report:
Manure needed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Water Bills halved from: Bull Meadow – £50.68 to £30.38
Rosedale Road – £423,66 to £206.31. Thanks to Clive. Meters are now fixed at both sites, to receive a 50% discount on standing charge.
Balance prior to meeting £3213.15.
Raffle raised £10.00
Kevin Walsh proposed a rise in the cost per rod:
Increase of 10p would = £2.30 per rod e.g. 10 rods = £23.00 5 rods = £11.50
Increase of 20p would = £2.40 per rod e.g. 10 rods = £24.00 5 rods = “12.00
Increase of 50p would = £2.70 per rod e.g. 10 rods = £27.00 5 rods = £13.50
Increase of 10p would = £2.00 per rod e.g. 10 rods = £20.00 5 rods = £10.00
Increase of 20p would = £2.10 per rod e.g. 10 rods = £21.00 5 rods = £10.50
Increase of 50p would = £2.40 per rod e.g. 10 rods = £24.00 5 rods – £12.00
60 members would raise extra funds: 10p = £ 44.68, 20p = £89.36 50p = £223.40
Total rods 446.80.
Andre attended Green Day at East Tilbury School and was very well received.
Allotment Watch to be set up
Veg Talk: A discussion was held on parsnip germination.
B-B-Q at Bull Meadow 1 p.m. Sunday 5th September.
All welcome, bring some food to cook and some drinks.
Next meeting Friday 3rd September 8 p.m. Tyrrells Hall