May 2010
Meeting 14.5.2010.
Present: A. Klecha, K. Bacon, C. Robertson, G. Nicholson, J. Priest, M. Kennedy,
- Walsh, A. Clear, A. Collins, C. Collins, L. Roast.
Apologies: L. Dartnell, S & C, Cheeseman.
Matters Arising:
A member of the society e-mailed other members regarding the application of anti-vandal paint to the fence at the Boscombe Entrance. This resulted in several complaints regarding who sends e-mails to members; please e-mail a member of the committee and not all members with any queries. Thank you.
This e-mail resulted in a decision being made not to apply the paint.
Rosedale Road Report:
The leak has been fixed, however we have received a water bill for £423.66, which Clive is going to challenge, as the water was turned off October – April. The water meter has been replaced. Please note that according to your agreements, sprinklers are not to be used on site.
It was decided that as we are the only site not paying for delivery of manure, we will pay the driver £20 per load. Alan has not seen the plot holder of 11N yet regarding the fence. The manure tractor has difficulty in reaching Boscombe end of the site because of this..
Bull Meadow Report:
Manure was delivered but is going fast! Driver paid. Water leak has been fixed. Bull Meadow water bill was for £50.68. Crushed concrete has been put into the dip by the entrance thanks to Doug Noon. The new notice board has been erected
Treasurers Report:
Balance £3,455.82. Raffle raised £15.00.
The Association has been invited to Green Day, East Tilbury School 11th June.
Andrew will attend, anyone else interested, please contact Andrew.
Site inspection will be in June, (date to be arranged between Andrew Klecha, L. Dartnell and Lorraine Roast. If anyone needs the strimmer to tidy the path (you are responsible for the South Side path) sees Alan. There will be an award for the most improved plot.
Clive Robertson thanked Alan and Keith for keeping the machinery serviced.
Richard Rivett will be moving, but is willing to give up half of his plot now to allow someone to plant this year. COMPETITION OCTOBER: HEAVIEST AND 3 NICEST TOMATOES.