February 2017
Meeting 10th February 2017.
S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, L. Dartnell, C. Robertson, A. Collins, G. Nicholson, D. Smith, M. Barnes, A. Klecha, P. Jay, M. Jay, E. Stevens, K. Walsh, S. Maloney, L. Roast.
M & P Charehwa
Matters Arising:
Work is now being carried out on the trees at Rosedale (Mosacaic Homes) Our contribution towards this still has to be negotiated. Logs are available on site for members. They should be left for 1 year before burning.
It was agreed that Andrew cut back the walnut tree that is overhanging a neighbour’s garden at a cost of £230. – Lorraine will be putting some bamboo from this lady on site for members use.
Rosedale Road Report:
Unfortunately David Tubby passed away, his brothers will be working his plot this year.
Woodchip and manure on site. 10 bags of Gro-Organic left.
The main gate is being left open. PLEASE LOCK THESE GATES AT ALL TIME – for security, especially when females are working on site alone. 4 Signs will be ordered to remind members of this.
Part of the concrete run in at the entrance is breaking up, Alan will sort this out, but access will be denied by car for a day. Notice will be given. Manure and Chippings on site..
Bull Meadow Report:
Trying to get chains welded onto stronger combination locks. Manure and chippings on site.
Treasurer’s Report:
£50 has been paid to Tyrells Hall, Balance £4601.68.
Tony Briggs has asked for funding of £90 to build shelter for 2 IBC Tanks at Boscombe end, for members use. This was agreed, but care has to be taken to allow access for manure delivery, and the turn- around of the tractor. Still IBCs available.
No work party is needed at Rosedale at the moment, if this changes, we will ask for your help later.
WORK PARTY BULL MEADOW 26th February 10 a.m. – 12 noon. Help appreciated.
Veggie competition October –
Best 3 of a kind above ground (1 entry per person)
FRUIT OR VEG Best 3 or a kind below ground (1 entry per person)
NEXT MEETING FRIDAY 10TH MARCH TYRELLS HALL 8 P.M. (Day of their Beer Festival!)