L. Dartnell, C. Collins,, A. Osborn, D. Osborn, R. Cherry, M. Cherry, C. Cheeseman, Cheeseman, J. Record, S. Record, A. Klecha, J. Guerrero, E. Henry, E. Stevens, S. Carter, Nicholson, C. Robertson, D. Smith, M. Barnes.
L. Roast, A. Collins, K. Walsh, M. Hughes.
Matters Arising:
Letters or emails have been sent to plot holders of neglected plots, it was agreed that the tenants of uncultivated plots will not have their agreement renewed in October. We received complaints of a plot holder having a large fire causing lots of smoke on the Rosedale Site, please consider our neighbours as they can and do complain to the Council.
OUR OPEN DAY WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY 18TH AUGUST. Donations of spare produce/ preserves would be appreciated, and home-made cakes (Also, any help on the day)Clive R will arrange fliers. (Thanks Clive)
CANTERBURY FOOD & DRINK FESTIVIAL IS ON 22ND SEPTEMBER, if there is enough interest, I will try to arrange a coach (cost usually around £17 pp) Please contact me via e-mail asap to have your name added to the list – Thank you.
Rosedale Road Report:
Work party urgently needed to tidy up the beds at the Boscombe entrance, this will be held before our Summer BBQ on Saturday 23rd June at around 3 p.m. (BBQ at 5 p.m.) Help appreciated, even if only an hour of your time) Broken lid on water meter to be reported.
Bull Meadow Report:
Les has broken his strimmer trying to strim an overgrown plot, it was agreed to pay for repair. One plot extremely overgrown.
Treasurer’s Report:
Raffle raised £14.5. Balance after water bills paid (£31.80 – Rosedale and £107 Bull Meadow) stands t £4,101.33.
The old Bull Meadow nursery site is to be used for training Council Workers, it was suggested that we ask if they would like to use our overgrown plots as well.
The cost of our plots is £2.90 per rod, average costs of Council Run sites per plot is £105.00
What a bargain we are!
Most Data Protection forms have been returned – thank you.
As mentioned above, our BBQ at Rosedale will be held on Saturday 23rd June 5.p.m. bring some food to cook and something to drink (also a spare hour before to help with the work party appreciated).
National Gardens Open Day 1st July 2p.m. – 5 p.m. Hilldrop, Laindon Road, Horndon on Hill admission £5 there is a turf roof house and 3 fishponds and lots of other things to see.