Collins, A. Collins, P. Bond, L. Dartnell, G. Nicholson, M. Barnes, D. Smith, L. Smith, Smith, J. Record, S. Record, P. Jay, M. Jay, A. Klecha, K. Welsh, K. Fisher, G. Ashurst, Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman.
E. Stevens, L. Roast.
Matters Arising:
Scrap money is now £50. Alan will purchase tyre for wheelbarrow from this.
Rosedale Road Report:
Several plots are in a bad state – members will be alerted. One that has been given up is in a seriously bad state, and will be sprayed with weed killer and not let out until next season. One plot will be offered rent free for the rest of this season, as this too is quite overgrown.
The chippings at the Boscombe end car park are too thick, and wheels are spinning. No more should be added. Clive has mowed the access road. Thanks Clive!
Reminder to plot holders regarding water use;
ONLY ONE HOSE TO BE USED, WHICH MUST be HAND HELD AT ALL TIMES.( Ideally before 10a.m. and after 6 p.m.) Some sites do not allow hosepipes at all – we do not want to go down this route, but may have to consider this if the use of water on site is abused.
Bull Meadow Report:
All plot being worked – well done to everyone. Manure needed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance at 30.4.17 = £4245.60
Income: £137 (Gro-organic) £14 (Raffle) Expenditure: £393.12 (Gro-organic|) £23.96 (signs) £100 (IBC enclosure)
The raffle tonight raised £20 (well done Sheila)
There is an Association of Thurrock Alllotments (ATA)Meeting on Tuesday 16th May at 7.30 Belmont Hall, Parker Road – all welcome to attend.
BBQ (Date to be confirmed) at Rosdale Site.
Site open day will be on Saturday 19th August. Produce/preserves/cakes will be appreciated, also help on the day.
Smith’s selling days – dates to be confirmed.
The chairman cannot make the AGM – will check with Tyrells Hall and try to make it a week earlier than usual.
Veg Comp at AGM – 3 best above ground and 3 best below ground.
Treetops school have a plant sale (veg and flowers) Saturdays 10-12noon
Suggestions please for outing this year, Les prefers Canterbury, Pat suggested somewhere different (This will only go ahead if enough people are interested)