Meeting – November 17




Collins, D. Smith, M. Barnes, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, L. Dartnell, E. Stevens, Nicholson, J. Guerrero, L. Roast, S. Maloney, A. Klecha, M. Hughes, K. Walsh, Robertson, A. Osborn, D. Osborn.


A. Collins, E. Henry, P. Jay, M. Jay.


Matters Arising:

No invoices received as yet from Thurrock Council for standpipe, or from Mosaic for trees.


Rosedale Road Report:

Chipping and manure on site. Thanks to Clive R for his help with the bonfire and to the 11 people who attended – a good time was had by all, a lot of work went into this and it would have been good to see more at the event.

Thanks to George and Norman for helping to clear up the debris afterwards.

Clive R thanked Alan for use of his van and his time.  Scrap raised £39 Balance is now £60.

Thanks go to all members who helped at the last work party.

THE DRIVE WILL BE REPAIRED ON MONDAY 13TH NOVEMBER – N.B. NO CARS WILL HAVE ACCESS TO THE SITE ON THIS DAY.  The ballast etc needed will be paid from the scrap money fund. £20 for manure also came from this fund.


Bull Meadow Report:

Manure and chippings on site.  Clive and Sheila C will look for a good second hand mower for the site. Look into storage for this and other equipment.


Treasurer’s Report

Expenses:  £50 peppercorn rent, £483 Rosedale Water, £228 Bull Meadow Water, £60 chairs

Income:     £50 Smiths Stall, £17 raffle (thanks to Sheila and Clive)

Balance:    £5,414,28.



Engraved trophies were presented to Sue Maloney (Best below) and Elaine Stevens (Best above) well done.

It was agreed that in addition to a prize for Most Impoved plot, there will be a 1st and 2nd place for Best Kept Plot – to be judged July/August. Martin from Smith’s will be asked if he will judge this.

New discount cars for Smith’s Nursery will be issued in January. Orders from the Kings Seed Catalogues must be into Jayne by 15th November. 187 Rectory Road.

There is as ATA meeting at the Belmont Hall on 14th November 7.30 – all welcome.

Sheila and Clive Attended the County Body meeting – only 10 sites were represented. Apparently less than a quarter of sites in Essex are self managed.

The next meeting on Friday 8th December WILL BE A CHRISTMAS QUIZ. Teams of 4, bring 1

horticultural question each and some food. Friends and family welcome.