A.Klecha, L.Dartnell, G.Ashurst, K.Fisher, C.Robertson, K.Walsh, E.Henry, B.Henry, R.Cherry, M.Cherry, G.Nicholson, E.Stevens, M.Barnes, D.Smith, C.Cheeseman, S.Cheeseman.
J.Guerrero, A.Collins, C.Collins, D.Brown.
Matters Arising:
Folding tables-Russell has some that could be borrowed. But Clive R said this summer will be looking to do a sale of produce every couple of weeks so will still look into buying something. Russell also said he could make one from pallets.
Trees in the cemetery have been cut back where they were hanging over the allotments. The council may have to do some more work next year.
Clive R spoke to Martin at the garden centre regarding giving a talk. Hopefully will be able to attend in March but will not know until nearer the time.
Rosedale Road Report:
Work party will go ahead Sunday 17th February 10-12. There was a unanimous vote that Alan will provide Bacon Rolls, which will be paid for from funds!
Manure at Car Park end, no chippings. No manure or chippings at the other end.
Grass cutter may need new blades, but Andrew said they could possibly be sharpened. Clive R is looking into this.
Plot at end next to field is now vacant but will not re-let as difficult to work. Discussions around how to use- clear and cover with membrane/plant trees/woodchip/seating area/grow potatoes/use for bonfires.
Bull Meadow Report:
Have manure, wood chips gone down.
Steve’s plot being worked.
Andrew cut down an Ash tree on one plot.
Work Party will be Sunday 24th February 10-12.
Scalpings needed for front end of drive.
Discussion around clearing old nursery site, some people may be able to help. Andrew said a digger couldn’t be used due to sewer pipes running across the area. It is registered as a Nature Reserve, few years left to run. Russell will speak to lease holder.
There are 6 names on the waiting list and no vacant plots.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance as at 31.1.19 is £4533.19.
Insurance was paid in January- £314.84, plus Donation of £50 to Tyrells Hall for use of room.
Income from Gro-Organic £20, Rent £18. Raffle raised £15.16, thanks to Sheila
Tony Briggs had a heart attack a couple of weeks ago, blockage found and stent fitted. Now home and doing well.
Chris and Vic Pellerini have now moved away after 28years on the allotment, and were also founder members of the Association. It was agreed to send card and flowers, Sheila to arrange.
Sad news that P.Singh from Bull Meadow died a few weeks ago.
If Martin is able to attend our next meeting, perhaps thought could be given to questions to ask him on the night.