B. Childs, A. Collins, C. Collins, A. Davison, C. Davison, E. Stevens, L. Dartnell, D. Smith, K. Fisher,G. Ashurst, G. Nicholson, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, E. Henry, B. Henry, J. Guerrero, R. Cherry, M. Cherry, A. Klecha, A. Osborn, D. Osborn, C. Robertson, K. Walsh, S. Maloney, L. Roast.
Matters Arising:
Flyers have been printed for the Open Day – Saturday 17th August. Clive and several volunteers will deliver them the week before. Any spare produce/ home made cakes and help would be appreciated on the day 10 – 1 p.m. Andrew has posters from the NSALG.
Please consider our neighbours if you have to have a SMALL bonfire. Do not burn green stuff as this causes lots of smoke. One plot holder has been evicted due to non-cultivation, it was decided that if plots are not worked that we will be more strict to avoid them being handed over in un-workable states. An exisiting plot holder has shown an interest, and it was decided that he will be offered it rent free for the remainder of the year, but if it is not cleared by October, they will not be offered the plot permanently.
Our annual BBQ is next Saturday June 22nd, with a short work party before hand as Alan and a few others have done most of the work! 4p.m. for the work party, 5 p.m. for the BBQ. Bring some food to cook and some drink, families and friends welcome.
Rosedale Road Report:
Bark has been delivered from Thurrock Council, there is more in the pipeline (which may be used to cover the end plot at the field end of site. Alan and Stuart are going to move a tap that is sticking out onto the main pathway.
When new tenants take on a plot, if they have not worked the allotment by the 10 week period as per their agreement, they will not be allowed to carry on and the plot will be re-let.
Bull Meadow Report:
SOMEONE HAS DUMPED WEED ENCRUSTED MEMBRANE ON SITE, ALSO A BUILDERS BAG IN THE RED BIN Please dispose of your own rubbish off-site and do not expect others to do this for you.
Also, only SCRAP METAL is to be put on the pile, nothing else.
Manure on site.
7 names on the waiting list
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance £4152.78. (Gro organic paid for)
Raffle raised £24 (thanks Sheild/Clive)
The outing to Deal has been booked Saturday 7th September £17.50 pp. Leaving Chadwell Club at 9.20 and the Oaks at 9.30. There could possibly be 2 tickets spare. Will let you know.
Our sites will be entered in the Thurrock in Bloom contest, if anyone would like to enter their individual plot, see Clive Robertson. TASG are having a stall at the Orsett Show and are looking for volunteers to man/woman it
Competition at AGM October 1-3 best above ground, 1-3 best below (same type)