Meeting – March 2020



C. Robertson, A. Osborn, D. Osborn, A. Collins, C. Collins, G. Nicholson, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, A. Klecha, L.Dartnell, S. Maloney, L. Roast, J. Guerrero, E. Stevens, K. Fisher, G. Ashurst, P. Williams, J. Williams, R. Cherry.


K. Walsh, E. Henry, D. Brown.

Matters Arising:

Tenant on Rosedale Road agreed to give up one of his plots.

Correction for opening times of Chadwell Allotment Hut: Wednesday 12 – 2 p.m.  Sunday 9.30 – 12 noon.

Rosedale Road Report:

Thanks to those who helped to move a polytunnel to a different plot. The shed needs clearing on the plot that is now vacant, it will then be re-let a.s.a.p. Thanks to Clive R for mowing the grass paths.

Chippings on site, HOPEFULLY manure will be delivered next week. Boscombe end notice boards needs repairing.

Plot holder notified us he is unwell and needs a bit of time.  (Thanks for letting us know)

Chris contacted Council regarding mast, apparently they still do not know who owns it, I will chase them up again.

The case of the hidden wheelbarrows continues!

Bull Meadow Report:

All plots being worked.

WORK PARTY SUNDAY 15TH 10-12 noon. HELP MUCH APPRECIATED. A piece of land needs clearing for possible small container, plus other jobs.

Suggestion to build a shelter from pallets. How do Bull Meadow tenants feel about this – let me know via e-mail please.

Fence behind one plot is leaning and needs to be fixed, any pieces of plywood spare please to help with this.


5 names on waiting list.

Treasurer’s Report:

Balance = £5538.41.

Still ongoing issues with water company, should be sorted when next bill received.

Raffle raised £17


Clive R. helped to deliver letters from TASG to all Allotment sites in Thurrock, their next meeting is 27th March, Belmont Hall 7 p.m. All welcome to attend. Council run sites charge £108 per plot.

Next Meeting Friday 17th April (All being well!) Watch this space.