C. Robertson, A. Osborn, D. Osborn, A. Collins, C. Collins, G. Nicholson, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, A. Klecha, L.Dartnell, S. Maloney, L. Roast, J. Guerrero, E. Stevens, K. Fisher, G. Ashurst, P. Williams, J. Williams, R. Cherry.
K. Walsh, E. Henry, D. Brown.
Matters Arising:
Tenant on Rosedale Road agreed to give up one of his plots.
Correction for opening times of Chadwell Allotment Hut: Wednesday 12 – 2 p.m. Sunday 9.30 – 12 noon.
Rosedale Road Report:
Thanks to those who helped to move a polytunnel to a different plot. The shed needs clearing on the plot that is now vacant, it will then be re-let a.s.a.p. Thanks to Clive R for mowing the grass paths.
Chippings on site, HOPEFULLY manure will be delivered next week. Boscombe end notice boards needs repairing.
Plot holder notified us he is unwell and needs a bit of time. (Thanks for letting us know)
Chris contacted Council regarding mast, apparently they still do not know who owns it, I will chase them up again.
The case of the hidden wheelbarrows continues!
Bull Meadow Report:
All plots being worked.
WORK PARTY SUNDAY 15TH 10-12 noon. HELP MUCH APPRECIATED. A piece of land needs clearing for possible small container, plus other jobs.
Suggestion to build a shelter from pallets. How do Bull Meadow tenants feel about this – let me know via e-mail please.
Fence behind one plot is leaning and needs to be fixed, any pieces of plywood spare please to help with this.
5 names on waiting list.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance = £5538.41.
Still ongoing issues with water company, should be sorted when next bill received.
Raffle raised £17
Clive R. helped to deliver letters from TASG to all Allotment sites in Thurrock, their next meeting is 27th March, Belmont Hall 7 p.m. All welcome to attend. Council run sites charge £108 per plot.
Next Meeting Friday 17th April (All being well!) Watch this space.