Meeting – September 2019



C. Collins, A. Collins, B. Childs, C. Cheeseman, R.Pearce, K. Pearce, J. Guerrera, D. Brown, E. Stevens, L. Dartnell, A. Davison, C. Davison, J. Record, S. Record, A. Osborn, C. Robertson, P. Williams, J. Williams


A. Klecha, S. Cheeseman, S. Carter.


BBQ was enjoyed by all who attended. Open Day was a big success, £350 was raised for funds. Thanks to everyone who helped with flyers, delicious cakes and help on the day.

Outing to Deal went very well, weather was not too bad either.

Tap on Rosedale will be moved after 1st October when the water is turned off.


If you have borrowed wheelbarrows from Rosedale, can you please return them to the main entrance, thank you. Alan will look into purchasing 3 new ones. 

Delivery of manure is due at the end of September. The last lot contained oat/barley seeds which are sprouting up all over the site, please pull these up before they start to seed.

Suggestion for tyres/pots to be put around plants at Boscombe end garden and poison applied around them as weeds are continually growing there (after spring bulbs have come through)


Polite e-mail to be sent to plots holder regarding overgrown allotment. Chris will order a combination lock to replace the one that went missing from the gate.

Two vacant plots.


8 on waiting list.


Balance £4,532.76 (raffle raised £14.50 – thanks to the two Clives)

Books have been audited – thank you to Craig Gibson.


Subs must be paid by AGM October 11th or there will be £10 added to your invoice. TASG had a stall at the Orsett Show, thanks to Clive R and Elaine S for attending on our behalf.

Suggestion of an additional open day end of June next year and a banner to be placed at Boscombe Entrance, also mention of Boscombe entrance on flyer.

Veggie competition at AGM: Best 1-3 (same) above ground.  Best 1-3 (same) below ground. Scrap will be moved from both sites by Alan next week

NEXT MEETING AGM Friday 11th October 8 p.m. Tyrells Hall Club. All welcome.