AGM 2019
B. Childs, A. Collins, C. Collins, E. Stevens, A. Klecha, S. Klecha, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, J. Record, S. Record, J. Guerrero, C. Robertson, A. Osborn, D. Osborn, G. Nicholson, E. Henry, B. Henry, D. Brown, L. Roast, S. Maloney, P. Jay, S. Carter, A. Davison, C. Davison, K. Fisher, G. Ashurst, L. Dartnell, T. Dady, J. Dady, P. Williams, J. Williams.
K. Walsh, J. Lane, N. Fielder.
Matters Arising:
Rosedale Road Report:
Scrap from both sites raised £92. All plots let. Wheelbarrows on their way.
Bull Meadow Report:
One plot vacant, to be re-let. New padlock purchased, will try to get a chain welded to it.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance at end of Sept. : £5518.61p. Books audited by Craig Gibson (our thanks go to him for this)
Peppercorn rent paid to Council £50. Waiting for water bills for both sites. Raffle tonight raised £34 – thanks to Sheila and Clive.
Use of Water on Site:
Three new taps are needed, these will be purchased from the scrap money. Large bills expected because of dry summer.
Welcome all. Tonight is our 16th Association AGM as a self- managed site.
Once again our summer was long & hot with no real prolonged rain arriving until mid September. It feels churlish to complain but watering was definitely a regular daily job.
On June 22nd, we held our summer BBQ at the Rosedale Road site, preceded by a work party. An excellent turnout for both was blessed with good weather.
The NSALG Annual Allotment Open Day was held on a sunny Saturday morning in mid August and finished just before the rain came down. A record amount of £350 was raised from members’ excess produce along with delicious homemade cakes and refreshments.
I would like to once again thank everyone who either attended or supplied produce, cakes or delivered flyers.
Back on the agenda this again this year, was the day trip to a food festival. This September the Deal Food Fair was our destination, and even though a lot smaller than the Canterbury food fair, I believe everyone who made the coach trip had an enjoyable day. Thank you Chris for once again organising it.
Winter work parties in February had a good- turnouts and much was achieved at both sites.
John Little also helped me again, to complete the topping of the vehicle entrance to the bull Meadow site for just the cost of the road scalping and thanked with a bottle of single malt whiskey.
Phuman Singh, a long standing member of Bull Meadow site unfortunately passed away this year. Clive & Sheila attended the funeral.
As always I would like to thank Site managers Alan Collins(assisted by Clive Robertson & volunteers)at Rosedale. Les Dartnell (assisted by Alan Gorringe) at Bull Meadow. Our secretary Chris Collins, Treasurer Elaine Stevens, Membership secretary Sheila Cheeseman, Seed secretary Jayne Priest, Auditor Craig Gibson, committee members Clive Cheeseman & Lorraine Roast. Mark Kennedy for running the website( and Dean Smith our Social Media whizz kid.
Last year’s most improved plot was Ashley Osborn’s plot from Rosedale Road Site; who received a certificate & sack of Grow Organic, this year’s winner will be announced later.
Once again this year we have the Best up to three Vegetable or fruit Above & Below Ground Competition, the winners receiving the wood turned trophies for a year with their names engraved for posterity, to be returned at the next AGM.
Good luck & happy growing
Andrew Klecha (Chairman)
Election of Committee: In the absence of any new nominations, the existing committee agreed to carry on for another year.
Cost per rod: It was agreed that there was no need to raise the cost per rod (£2.90) this year.
Plot 4N: It was agreed to use this for allotment produce for another year – to be reviewed next AGM. Thanks to Alan, Clive, Norman, George and Stuart.
Most Improved plot: Elaine Henry Plot 34W.
Veggie Competition:
Best Above – 1st. B. Childs – cauliflower, 2nd J. Guerrero – grapes, Joint 3rd S. Maloney – butternut and C.Collins – cabbage.
Best Below – 1st. S. Maloney – parsnips, 2nd J. Record- celeriac, 3rd A. Klecha – potatoes.
Next AGM. Friday October 9th 2020.