Meeting APRIL 2021



C. Cheeseman, S. Cheeseman, D. Smith, A. Klecha, C. Collins E. Stevens.

Sheila found a gold wedding ring in the Bull Meadow Area,

Clive Robertson has lots of tadpoles if anyone wants some for their pond

Notices to be put by troughs DO NOT WASH PRODUCE IN THE TROUGHS as this will cause them to fill with mud, please use a container.

Nine troughs have been put up at Rosedale Road, 2 tanks at Bull Meadow to be adapted with ball cocks. A work party to help will be needed at Bull Meadow, date to be arranged.

 There will be dedicated taps at either end of Rosedale for hand washing/drinking water only, not for hosepipes. Thank you for your co-operation. It was agreed that the cost for filling an IBC will be set at £3 (barrels price to be arranged, obviously lower cost) from October.

Andrew and Clive will speak to John Wakeley for advice in putting up a shed to keep rotavators

in at Bull Meadow. Andrew will take the broken rotavator to see if it can be mended. If it cannot, it was agreed that we purchase a second hand one when there is a shed to keep it in.

Our contingency fund needs to be around £4,000 in case of large water bills etc and unforeseen repair cost and purchase of any machines needed.

There is around £500 of the Lottery Grant left, a few more invoices to be paid from this.

New plots will be inspected after 6 weeks to make sure they are being worked, also if a tenant receives 3 letters regarding the non-cultivation or the state of their plot during one growing season i.e., March – October they will be evicted. Let us know if you have any difficulties before it gets to this please.

New agreements will be put in place in July/August incorporating the new water use rules, this will need to be signed before invoices for the plots are given out. Dean will be on site for a number of days in August to enable plot holders to sign. Dates to be arranged.

It was agreed that trees must preferably be no higher than 7 ft, however if trees or any other tall plant/growing frame is more than 12 ft tall and this causes a problem with neighbouring plots e.g., shade or spreading roots, a majority vote of the committee will decide on the action to be taken.

Thank you to Gareth for obtaining the IBCs and to John for picking them up for us. The next lot are for Rosedale Road, and thanks to you all for putting them on your plot to conserve water.

Thank you all for your co-operation.