D Smith, M. Barnes, K. Fisher, G. Ashurst, A. Collins, C. Collins, J. Bishop, C. Robertson, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, J. Priest, A. Klecha, P.Jay, M. Runeckles, A. Davison, C. Davison, S. Simmons, L. Dartnell, M. Watts.
K. Walsh.
Matters Arising:
Last years Canterbury Festival was cancelled 3 weeks before it was due to take place, best to wait before deciding on an outing. Gro-Organic has been ordered. There are no scaffold boards available until at least end of March.
Rosedale Road Report:
Alan contacted lady for manure, she is going go try to get a smaller lorry. Some tanks to be connected to water. It was agreed by a majority present to pay for the removal of a conifer, and the topping of a sycamore at a cost of £1,400. On the days this is being done there will be no access to the Boscombe end car park. Chippings have been delivered to Boscombe end. The two IBCs in Boscombe end car park need to be checked for leaks. One of the new troughs need to be checked as it looks as though the pallets underneath are a little dodgy! WORK PARTY SATURDAY 26TH FEBRUARY 10 A.M. TO NOON. PLEASE COME AND HELP IF YOU CAN. IT IS APPRECIATED
Bull Meadow Report:
Alan and Andrew have installed ball cocks into tanks. Just a few jobs to do to get them up and running. Couple of padlocks for tap locks needed. Woodchip and manure needed. Welcome back Les! WORK PARTY NEEDED FOR SUNDAY 20TH FEBRUARY 10 a.m. – NOON
Please come along if you can make it, many hands make light work.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance £4,998.79. Peppercorn rent has been paid to Council. Obviously cost of tree work to be taken off, also cost of Gro Organic when invoices received. Raffle raised £19 (Well done Clive and Sheila)
Clive R went along to the TASG meeting and informed us that the new leases will be discussed by the Council in 3 months’ time by the new Assett Team (short for land grabbers)
We will be having a Jubilee bonfire during the long weekend, date to be confirmed as Andrew cannot make the Saturday (possibly Friday??)