S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, D. Smith, M. Barnes, A. Collins, C. Collins, C. Robertson, S. Simmons, J. Bishop, A. Davison, C. Davison, A. Klecha, J. Priest, A. Osborn.
Mr. & Mrs. Beech, B. Childs, K. Fisher, G Ashurst, L. Dartnell, W. McNicholas, A. Diaz.
Matters Arising:
Rosedale Road Report:
Many thanks to the members who turned up at the work party to keep your site in order. It is appreciated. Alan needs to phone John regarding manure. Trough has been secured. Main shed roof to be repaired after damage from high winds. The work on the two trees will take place this Thursday, please do not use the Boscombe car park and keep the roadway clear. Thank you
Thanks to Andrew for disposing of the rubbish. There are some logs in the Boscombe car park, please help yourself. Water will be turned on 1st April – please do NOT wash produce in the troughs. If you notice that mud is building up in any trough, feel free to scoop it out!
Bull Meadow Report:
Thanks to members who turned up at the work party to keep your site in order. It is appreciated. Brush cutter blade sharpened at a cost of £8. Thanks to Alan and Stuart for converting the tanks to self – filling. Two padlocks needed. Weed killer needed (Alan) Hopefully shed will be started in March.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance £4616.11 after Gro-organic paid for. Tree removal to cost £1,400. Treasurer will be absent from next meeting and will send balance via email to committee.7
We will try to sort out scaffold board delivery if possible. Chadwell Allotment Association shop is very short of help, if anyone has time especially on a Sunday 9 – 12 to help out, please let Alan know. They have a lot of different items in stock from seed potatoes, to compost to feed at good prices. £1 to join for a year. BBQ for the Jubilee will take place on Friday 3rd June from 5 p.m. all welcome take something to cook and to drink. One plot on Rosedale is being halved ready to be let.
Next Meeting:
Friday 8th April 7.30 Tyrells Hall Club.