Inspection Update
Hi all,
The site inspection has taken place, most plots are in a good cultivated condition and passed with flying colours – well done to all of these tenants! Some just skipped through by the skin of their teeth, a few just need minor things done and couple failed miserably!! Individual emails will be sent to these members. Do not take offence, we are trying to make things better for all members and also keep to the Council Tenancy agreement. Don’t worry if you have only just taken on your plot as allowances have been made for you.
If you are struggling to keep up with the cultivation of your plot and wish to downsize please contact Sheila.
Some trees on site are growing too tall and need trimming, if you need help contact a committee member.
One tenant has given up his plot and left all his rubbish to be cleared by members. It cannot possibly be re-let at the moment. This is a busy time of year for members, so will be cleared in time.
We are very lucky to have a small number of core helpers, many thanks to them.
Still waiting for the year when all plots pass!!! Would make things much easier!
There are two IBCs’ spare, see Alan if you would like to have one of these please. (Rosedale)
Because of the humid weather, now is the time to spray for Blight, before it takes hold.
Happy growing!