Comfrey liquid – be careful of strength used, needs to be diluted similarly to Tomorite. One part comfrey to 10 parts water (BBC Gardener World magazine)
Coddling Moth pheromone traps – now is the time to use these to reduce damage to apple crops. 60 – 80% effective, use one trap now and then replace in 5 weeks. A similar product is available for plum
trees. Can be bought as refills, or full kits with tent holder, from garden centres, online and Chadwell Allotment shed.
There are rabbits at Rosedale Road, but there is a fox and hedgehogs, plus other wildlife such as slow worms and grass snakes – none of which are dangerous to humans and all are beneficial to allotments – they must not be harmed in any way.
Jerusalem Artichokes grow – approximately 7 feet tall.