AGM – October 2024
The Annual General Meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Friday 11th October in the upstairs room at Tyrrells Hall Club.
The following documents are attached below:
a. 11/10/24 AGM agenda
b. Minutes from previous AGM held October 2023
c. Draft constitution with proposed amendments
One committee member has resigned and the remaining five have confirmed they wish to continue in their current roles. If you would like to stand for the committee or as one of the roles then please put yourself forward at the AGM, you will need a person to nominate you and another to second that nomination. If more than one person stands or is nominated for either the vacancy, or an existing role, then a vote of members present at the meeting will will take place.
After the AGM business is completed the fun will begin with our Annual Competition:
- Best vegetable grown above ground (up to three of same kind)
- Best vegetable grown underground (up to three of same kind)
- Best conserve, jam, chutney, relish, pickle made from home-grown or plot-grown produce (these will be tasted by all who wish to do so, the tasters can then vote for their favourite item – tasting sticks, crackers etc will be provided on the night)