Meeting April 2010

April 2010


 Meeting 9th April 2010


Present: A. Klecha, C. Robertson S. Cheeseman, J. Priest, G. N|icholson, A. Collins,

  1. Collins, K. Bacon, R. Rivett.

Apologies: C. Pellerini, L. Roast, D. Noon, D. Noon


Matters Arising:

Insurance has been upgraded to £3,000.

Brushcutter has been purchased cost £279.00

Work parties were very successful, thank you to the volunteers who turned up to help.


Rosedale Road Report:

Due to the bad weather, we had water leaks when the water was turned back on. This was fixed by Alan and Keith. Cost £67.15. The fence on plot no. 13N is protruding onto the main path. This was like it before the present plot holder took over. Alan will talk with him.  A shed was broken into .Please keep your eye out for anyone on a plot who should not be there. We are to look into the possibility of replacing the remaining lead pipes with plastic next year.  John Lane is to paint anti-vandal paint on the fence at the Boscombe end.  Manure and wood chips needed.  Clive Robertson will ring the waterboard as the meter is unreadable due to scuffing.


Bull Meadow Report:

Manure needed.  It seems there is still a leak at the meter. Andrew will contact the water board.


Treasurer’s Report:

 Recent expenses: Rotavator £200, Brushcutter £279.00 Additional insurance £51.10

Bal: £3443.80

Raffle Raised £11.50. (Thanks to Sheila)



 An Association member asked to borrow a rotavator for home use, it was agreed that because of insurance implications/setting a precedent this regrettably this was not possible.


In view of the fact that only 1 person showed interest in a 15 year celebration dance, we will not go ahead with the idea.

As Little Thurrock School fete is to take place early this year (8th May) it was unanimously agreed that we would not have enough produce/time to organise and we would not be able to attend this year.

It would be nice to see the A-frame by the shed at Rosedale filled with pot plants.  If anyone has any to donate, please place them there.

In view of the fact of rising costs e.g. insurance/water bills etc. it was suggested that the possibility of a nominal rise in price of the cost of a plot would be discussed at the A.G.M.

A notice is to be put at both sites stating that Cars are driven/parked on site at your own risk.

Next meeting: Friday May 14th. Tyrells Hall Club 8 p.m.

All members are welcome to attend.