April 2011
Meeting 8th April 2011.
Present: A. Collins, C. Collins, R. Crowhurst, A. Clear, G. Nicholson, S. Cheeseman,
- Cheeseman, K. Bacon, T. Smith, M. Kennedy, A. Klecha, K. Walsh, L. Roast,
- Robertson, M. Kennedy, J. Lane.
Apologies: D. Noon, L. Dartnell, J. Priest.
Matters Arising:
Little Thurrock School visit to Rosedale was a great success. It was suggested that they re-visit in June when things are growing well.
Rosedale Road Report:
Water has been turned on. Please note that hosepipes should be held, not left to do their own thing. Use water wisely. Chippings have been delivered. The three plots that had not been started are now being cultivated. Many thanks for John Lane for supplying pallet boards for the plot numbers, which are now all in place.
Bull Meadow Report:
Water turned on, Andrew is to check for leaks. Manure should be delivered tomorrow (Sat). Caging/fencing has been left on site for plot holder’s use.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bal: £2819.86 Raffle raised £14.50.
Gro-Organic plant feed is still available at £5.00 per bag see Clive or Keith.
Clive Robertson thanked Alan and Keith for doing the plot numbers.
Andrew has a phone call from Thurrock Council Environmental Dept. regarding a complaint from a resident about a fire on Rosedale Road site. Also a bonfire was left smoking and unattended, which was then put out by another plot holder. Please make sure your fire is out before leaving the site. Do not burn anything that can be composted, and please do not have a fire when the wind may blow smoke towards nearby houses. We do not want to upset neighbours on the Council
Strimmers are available on site if you wish to clear the South side path, which is your responsibility.
We would be grateful for donations of plants (veg or flowers) to sell at Little Thurrock School Fete. We do not have a date yet, but it is usually the end of June, It was suggested that the theme this year could be Home-made Soup.
The front page of the web-site has been updated, there is also a page for links to other sites, if anyone would like a gardening link added – contact Mark.
Don’t forget the veggie competition in October heaviest or prettiest cabbage. Time to plant now!
Veg Talk:
If seed potatoes have grown long shoots, it is okay to plant them like this. The last frost date is May31st. If you have potatoes up and there is a late frost, they could be covered with straw, fleece or plastic.
Rhubarb: Forcing (cutting out light) should be done early in the season it should then be uncovered so that the plant is not weakened. Rhubarb should not be picked after 21st June. Manure can be piled on top of rhubarb over winter.
Next Meeting: Friday 13th May 2011. 8 p.m. Tyrells Hall
All members welcome.