Meeting January 2015

January 2015


Meeting  09.01.15

Present: L. Dartnell, C. Barker, B. Rollings, T. Briggs, G. Nicholson, A. Collins, C. Robertson,

  1. Smith, M. Barnes, T. Smith, A. Klecha, C. Cheeseman, E. Stevens, P. Jay, K. Bacon.

Apologies:  S.Cheeseman, K. Walsh, L. Roast.


Matters Arising:

Still no news about conifers both sides of Rosedale Road. We will keep pushing for answers.

Scrap from Rosedale raised £47.00. Two new visors purchased. The balance will be used for anything needed for the site by Alan and Keith. The wood outside the Boscombe entrance has been burned by Tony B and Clive R.

Christmas Quiz was won by “Lost the Plot” – M. Jay, S. Maloney, L. Roast & B. Rollings

Booby prize went to J. & T. Barrell.

This is the 20th anniversary of the formation of our Society. If anyone would be interested in celebrating by a meal or a buffet/dance at Tyrells or cheese and wine in the upstairs room, can you let me know by e-mail.  (which one)  Thank you


Rosedale Road Report:

Stuart has spent a lot of time clearing the brambles and the end of the site. Out thanks go to him and it was agreed to donate a bag of Gro-organic to him as a mark of our appreciation.

He unearthed about a ton more of scrap metal. If you have any more scrap metal on your plot, put it by the main gate and Alan and Keith will take it to the scrap dealers. Carpet on this plot will be bagged and Andrew will take it away when we have a work party.

Manure at main gate end. No chippings.

The handrail at Boscombe entrance has been finished. Kick boards put in.  Thanks to all involved.

Bagged manure is free to collect from Stifford Clays Road.


Bull Meadow Report:

Looking good. All plots worked. Trees on 1 plot still need to be coppiced. Manure on site.


Treasuers’s Report

Raffle raised £24.50.  Balance £4635.10.

It was agreed that unless there was a bit leap in premiums, the treasurer will automatically pay the insurance premium each year so that we are continually covered.


It was agreed that a solar powered light (rather than a camera) should be purchased for the main shed at Rosedale. This will be investigated. Pallets should be delivered to Rosedale Road next week. Our open day will go ahead this year, also a stall at Smiths Garden Centre. Dates to be confirmed.  If members could grow a little extra it would help with this.

CHADWELL ALLOTMENT ASSOCIATION WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY 18TH JANUARY FOR SEED POTATOES.  Suttons are selling totally blight resistance tomato plants (Crimson Crush) £7.99 for 3 plants.


Veggie Talk:  Plant broad beans, shallots if weather is mild.




Next meeting: Friday 13th February 8p.m. Tyrells Hall