Meeting October 2015 AGM

October 2015 AGM


 AGM 9th October 2015.



  1. Robertson, A. Klecha, C. Collins, M. Jay, P. Jay, E. Stevens, P. Brown, D. Brown, D. Ottley,
  2. Ottley, L. Dartnell, S. Watts, T. Briggs, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, G. Nicholson,
  3. Watts, J. Record, H. Turnnidge, S. Turnnidge, D. Smith, L. Roast, M. Barnes, A. Wright,
  4. Umfreville, K. Bacon.

Apologies: B. Rollings, A. Collins, K. Walsh, S. Maloney.


Matters Arising:



Rosedale Road Report:

Three sheds broken into, one bucket and a pair of gloves stolen, damage done to locks/doors. Report any future break-ins to Police for records. Handrails have been repaired, bank strimmed, Four vacant plots. One plot holder evicted for non-cultivation.


Bull Meadow Report:

Complaints received regarding overgrown plot – letter will be sent. Notice board needs to be fixed.


Treasurer’s Report:

Balance: £3719.25. (raffle raised £38) Raffle money raised during year £173.00 (Thanks to Sheila and Clive.

Smiths open days raised £150.00.  Our open day raised £192.

Thanks to all who helped/provided produce/baked cakes.

Books were audited by E. Stevens (Thank you to Elaine) Thanks to Clive for all his work.


Conifers – East side of Rosedale:

There is an issue regarding ownership of the land, the matter is now in the hands of the legal departments of Thurrock Council and Mosaic Homes. The Mosaic home is being re-developed. Andrew will seek advice from NSALG. It was suggested that if this matter is not resolved within a reasonable timescale we may offer to pay 1/3rd of the cost. This maybe decided at a special meeting or a monthly meeting.


Use of water on site:

It was agreed that In view of the fact that there has been mis-use of water on site this year that the following will be added to the agreement signed by tenants:


This will apply to ALL tenants – existing and new. Anyone not following these rules will be sent a warning letter, if the abuse carries on they will be evicted. Notices will be put up around the site.

Last year’s invoice for water for Rosedale Road was £425, this years is estimated at about £700.


Top Garden/Tyre Wall.

Suggestion to purchase tarpaulin to weedkill and cover this area for 1-2 years to eradicate comfrey, bindweed. Cost of strong tarpaulin to be investigated.

Another suggestion was to leave it as a wild garden.


Unused North End of Bull Meadow Site:

It was agreed that Tony Briggs pursue funding for this. Details such as running this site will be discussed if and when this happens.


Chairman’s Report: Chairman’s Report AGM October 9th 2015

Thank you for attending our Association’s 12TH AGM as self managed sites. It is good to see so many members turn up and also for the regular meetings.

This year Martin from Smith’s Garden Centre organized 4 local Allotment sites the opportunity to raise funds for their association. By selling excess produce at a stall at the Garden Centre on selected weekends.

It proved to be a popular addition for local customers and sites.

I would personally like to thank Bev Rollings and Keith Bacon for giving up time and helping to man our 2 chosen mornings and raise nearly £150 for our funds. Thanks also to everyone who donated produce to the stalls.

Our own NSALG Allotment Open Day on 15th August, was once again a success raising £192 through selling produce from our allotments along with tea and homemade cakes. Once again thank you to everyone who contributed or turned up on the day to support the event.

That’s nearly £350 added to our funds from produce, along with keeping the allotment profile alive in the local community.

This year was our 20th Anniversary as an Allotment Association and to mark the occasion we held a special BBQ to celebrate. Thanks go to Chris & Alan Collins and Sheila Cheeseman for organizing a very well attended enjoyable day.

Chris also organized a return visit to The Canterbury Food & Drink Festival a few weeks ago and I am sure you would like to show appreciation for the work she put into organizing another enjoyable day out.

I don’t think we can complain too much about this year’s growing season, even though there was a late start to spring. The usual Blight attack was limited, and hopefully the leek moth hasn’t affected your prize winning specimens.

Last year’s most improved plot was Stuart Simmonds from Rosedale Rd. This year’s winner  will be announced later.

That just leaves me to thank both site managers Les Dartnell and Alan Collins and his trusty assistant Keith Bacon for all their hard work throughout the year, Mark Kennedy who runs our website (, seed secretary Jayne Priest, auditor Elaine Stevens, Membership secretary Sheila Cheeseman, Treasurer Clive Robertson, committee members Clive Cheeseman and Lorraine Roast & last but not least Chris Collins our capable secretary.

Good luck with your Leeks, new trophies await.

Andrew Klecha (Chairman)


 Election of Committee:

As there were no nominations for positions on the Committee, the existing committee was re-elected.

Alan Collins handed in his resignation as site manager(thanks go to Alan for his hard work over the past years) – Keith Bacon will take on this role.


Raise cost per rod: It was agreed not to raise the cost per rod this year, but to review at the next AGM.


Cost of additional Member.

It was agreed to raise this to £2.00 per member.

Heaviest Leek:

  1. John Record                              1lb 7oz
  2. Les Dartnell & David Ottely    1lb 4oz
  3. George Nicholson                           14oz
  4. Elaine Stevens                                 10oz
  5. Chris Collins                                        9oz
  6. Lorraine Roast                                   8oz
  7. Samuel Turnnidge                           7oz
  8. Keith Bacon                                       3oz

Finest Leek As voted by members present Was grown by Les Dartnell.

 Most Improved Plot: Steven Tagg – Bull Meadow who will receive a certificate and a bag of Gro-organic. – Well Done.

Next A.G.M. Friday October Friday 14th October Tyrells Hall 8 p.m.