Present :
C. Robertson, C. Collins, D. Smith, K. Walsh, S. Walsh, C. Cheeseman, S. Cheeseman, S. Carter, A. Turnbull, E. Stevens, A. Klecha, A. Davison, J. Guerrero, M. Kennedy.
T. Whiberley, A. Collins, L. Roast.
Matters Arising:
Thanks to all members for the reduced use of hosepipes and for only using them sparingly before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m. It was agreed to half fill IBCs from hose pipes if requested, see Clive R. There are 3 spare IBCs available, please see Clive R or Alan. If anyone has any spare wood, pallets etc to help people who cannot put these in place it would be appreciated, also help to do this.
Please keep the south side path of your plot clear of weeds and obstacles e.g. hosepipes and wood etc., for the sake of safety of members. (The path nearest the field)
Rosedale Road Report:
Thanks to Alan and helpers in installing the troughs.
Manure needed. Andrew will chase this up and also look for other suppliers.
Tanks are working well after a few teething problems with hoses. All plots let.
Bull Meadow Report:
Manure on site, no woodchip, as Andrew has now retired, his ex-partner, Paul, will supply us as and when he can, our thanks to him. As there are only single taps on site, work to convert tanks on site will be done after water is turned off October 1st. Possibility of turning 1 tap into a double to enable hand washing. Jon Wakely has kindly agreed to help put up a storage place for tools etc. when he has the time.
13 names on the waiting list.
Treasurer’s Report:
£4,739.74 balance including approx. £490 left from lottery grant, which will go towards Bull Meadow trough alterations.
Still no water bill for Bull Meadow (going on for 2 years now – what kind of outfit are they running?)
Water Usage on Site:
Troughs seem to be doing their job at Rosedale, thanks to members for helping to reduce water bill.
We are hoping to arrange an open day on Saturday 14th of August, spare produce for the day will be appreciated to raise funds and awareness of the society. (Cakes/tea maybe sold depending on Covid and Boris) 10 a.m – 1 p.m. Help will be appreciated.
We also hope to hold our summer BBQ on Friday 6th August, 5 p.m. till whenever
New contracts are being printed for you to sign. Dean will be on site during August to enable you to sign them (dates will be given nearer the time) then invoices for 2021/22 will be sent.
Next Meeting Friday 10th September. To be confirmed where and when and if!