All posts by ydennekm


12th October 2019 – UPDATE

Hi All,

The AGM was well attended, minutes will be sent out before the 2020 AGM.

Our bonfire night will be on Saturday 9th November, at Rosedale Road, bring some good to cook on the BBQ and something to  (5-5.30 till whenever)

For Little Thurrock Residents, there will be a work party at the Dellafield Open Space (fenced off part) this Sunday 11 a.m.  Nature reserve. (hopefully if this is work the council will not build on it) Any help would be much appreciated.  (bring some tools please, strimmers etc.)

Craig Gibson has had a health set back, we wish him a speedy recovery.



AGM Friday 11th October

8th October 2019 – AGM FRIDAY 11TH OCTOBER

Hi All

Just a quick reminder Our AGM is this Friday 11th October 8pm Tyrells hall Club in the top room.

Refreshments available

Don’t forget to bring along 3 of your finest above and/or below ground veg and you may get your name on the trophy for posterity.

Also yearly subs need to be paid by Friday, or you will incur a £10 fine on top of your rent.

Hope to see you there


Andrew (Chair)

AGM 2018

AGM 2018


E. Stevens, A. Collins, C. Collins, A. Osborn, D. Osborn, J. Osborne, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, L. Dartnell, P. Williams, J. Williams, R. Pearce, Kate, J. Guerrero, E. Henry, A. Klecha, M. Watts, C. Watts, G. Nicholson, T. Dady, T. Dady, L. Roast, S. Carter, S. Maloney, M. Kennedy, C. Robertson.


P. Jay, M. Jay, R. Cherry, M. Cherry, K. Walsh

Matters Arising: 


Rosedale Road Report:

Scrap from both sites raised £72. (Thanks to Clive and George for their help)  Scrap can be left by the main gate for the next run.

One or two plots not being worked – email/letters to be sent. One vacant plot.

Bull Meadow Report:

One plot not being cultivated, letter to be sent. 

Two vacant plots

Treasurer’s Report:

Balance at end of Sept: £5545.28. 

Expenses include £50 peppercorn rent to Council, 1 plot subs not paid. (17 members paid via on-line banking) (Well done to Elaine Stevens for her work) 

Raffle raised £24. (Thanks to Sheila & Clive)


Estimated water bills received £680 (Rosedale)  £198 (Bull Meadow)

In view of the long spell of dry weather this year it was thought that this was in line with previous years. No action required.


Welcome and thank you for attending tonight. It’s our 15th Association AGM as a self managed site.

For those of you old enough to remember the Beast from the East this February was a blast from the past when we used to have icicles on gutters and net curtains frosted to the inside of the windows before the days of central heating. Spring wasn’t much better with what  seemed like continual rain….but look what June, July & August  brought us another blast from the past; a real summer.

It looks like it has produced some good produce for the competition later.

Since the last AGM we have held a Bonfire BBQ, Christmas Quiz, Summer BBQ and an NSALG open day.

I would like to thank everyone who has attended these events, and supplied vegetables and cakes for the open day which raised £257 for our Association.

This year there was no produce stalls at Smith’s Garden Centre due to building work going on there during the summer, Although I have heard Martin is hoping to run a charity stall near Christmas. Watch this space.    


Serendipity called on us this year, as for the first time in a number of years there was no annual trip to the Canterbury Food Fare… rained all day.

Work parties were well attended at Rosedale road site with a follow on BBQ in June, while at Bull Meadow John & Rob Little helped me relay the roadway to the site entrance with fresh crushed concrete and finings for a cost of £425 +vat. We are hoping to finish it off early in the New Year.

Unfortunately earlier this year, Chris Bell a long standing plot holder from Bull meadow site passed away. Our condolences were sent to his wife Rita and family.

I would like to thank both site managers Alan Collins (assisted by Clive Robertson and Tony Briggs at Rosedale Rd) and Les Dartnell at Bull Meadow for all their hard work throughout the year, Our Secretary Chris Collins, Treasurer Elaine Stevens, Membership secretary Sheila Cheeseman, seed Secretary Jayne Priest, auditor Craig Gibson, committee members Clive Cheeseman & Lorraine Roast, Dean Smith our Social Media Guru and Mark Kennedy for running our website,

Alan also gets a second mention for becoming our recycling officer turning our collected scrap metal into extra funds for the kitty.

Last year’s most improved plot was John Wakley’s plot from Bull Meadow Site; who received a sack of Grow Organic, this year’s winner will be announced later.

Once again this year we have the Best up to three Vegetable or fruit Above & Below Ground Competition, the winners receiving the wood turned trophies for a year with their names engraved for posterity, to be returned at the next AGM.

Good luck & happy growing

Andrew Klecha (Chairman)

Election of Committee:  

In view of the absence of any new nominations it was agreed that the existing committee carry on for another year.

Cost per Rod/Membership:

It was agreed by all present that the rod price £2.90 does not need to be raised, but that the invoices will be raised up to the nearest pound.

Plot 4N:

It was agreed that this would be used for growing produce for sale at our open day, and will be reviewed annually

Most Improved Plot:

Ashley Osborn (Rosedale Road) Well done Ashley for your hard work.

Veggie Competition:

Best Above:  Sue Maloney (3 Squashes)      

Best Below: Alan Collins (3 carrots.)

Well done to both!

NEXT A.G.M. Friday 11th October 2019.


AGM Agenda – 2019


1.                                 PRESENT

2.                                 APOLOGIES

3.                                 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING

4.                                 MATTERS ARISING

5.                                 ROSEDALE ROAD REPORT                    

6.                                 BULL MEADOW REPORT

7.                                 TREASURER’S REPORT


8.                                 USE OF WATER ON SITE

9.                                 CHAIRMANS’S REPORT

10.                               ELECTION OF COMMITTEE

11.                               COST PER ROD/MEMBERSHIP

12                                PLOT 4N    

13                               MOST IMPROVED PLOT AWARD

14                              VEG. COMP. 1-3 FINEST ABOVE, 1-3 FINEST BELOW

                       Next  AGM  – FRIDAY 11TH OCTOBER 2019.


17th September 2019 – PAINT

Hi all, just to let you know that Clive has painted anti-vandal paint on the gate/fence at Rosedale

Be caeful!



Meeting – September 2019



C. Collins, A. Collins, B. Childs, C. Cheeseman, R.Pearce, K. Pearce, J. Guerrera, D. Brown, E. Stevens, L. Dartnell, A. Davison, C. Davison, J. Record, S. Record, A. Osborn, C. Robertson, P. Williams, J. Williams


A. Klecha, S. Cheeseman, S. Carter.


BBQ was enjoyed by all who attended. Open Day was a big success, £350 was raised for funds. Thanks to everyone who helped with flyers, delicious cakes and help on the day.

Outing to Deal went very well, weather was not too bad either.

Tap on Rosedale will be moved after 1st October when the water is turned off.


If you have borrowed wheelbarrows from Rosedale, can you please return them to the main entrance, thank you. Alan will look into purchasing 3 new ones. 

Delivery of manure is due at the end of September. The last lot contained oat/barley seeds which are sprouting up all over the site, please pull these up before they start to seed.

Suggestion for tyres/pots to be put around plants at Boscombe end garden and poison applied around them as weeds are continually growing there (after spring bulbs have come through)


Polite e-mail to be sent to plots holder regarding overgrown allotment. Chris will order a combination lock to replace the one that went missing from the gate.

Two vacant plots.


8 on waiting list.


Balance £4,532.76 (raffle raised £14.50 – thanks to the two Clives)

Books have been audited – thank you to Craig Gibson.


Subs must be paid by AGM October 11th or there will be £10 added to your invoice. TASG had a stall at the Orsett Show, thanks to Clive R and Elaine S for attending on our behalf.

Suggestion of an additional open day end of June next year and a banner to be placed at Boscombe Entrance, also mention of Boscombe entrance on flyer.

Veggie competition at AGM: Best 1-3 (same) above ground.  Best 1-3 (same) below ground. Scrap will be moved from both sites by Alan next week

NEXT MEETING AGM Friday 11th October 8 p.m. Tyrells Hall Club. All welcome.


3rd August 2019 – UPDATE

Hi all,

Just an update: our open day is Saturday 17th August 10-1p.m. Spare produce/cakes/help will be appreciated.

I know it is a busy time of year but if anyone has a spare half hour, a little bit of weeding on the Boscombe bank would be welcome.

Outing to Deal Saturday 7th September, leaving Chadwell Clube 9.20 and the Oaks 9.30. I think I know where you want to be picked up from, but could you confirm  by email, thanks



27th July 2019 – TETANUS

Hi All

Just a reminder to all working regular outside, to consider a Tetanus vaccine if you haven’t one.

Or if like me your 10 year booster has run out 2 years ago, book a booster with your doctor.

