AGM – 2017
Dartnell, M. Watts, S. Watts, G. Nicholson, C. Cheeseman, S. Cheeseman, A. Colllins, Collins, E. Stevens, M. Barnes, D. Smith, S. Maloney, L. Roast, B. Henry, E. Henry, Klecha, C.Robertson(first half) B. Rollings, S. Carter, A. Osborn, D. Osborn, J.Lane, Turnnidge, S. Turnnidge, C. Maloney.(second half)
J. Guerrero, M. Hughes, M. Kennedy, K. Walsh.
Matters Arising:
Trees in cemetery still need to be lopped. Andrew will contact Thurrock Council.
Rosedale Road Report:
All plots taken, waiting for manure delivery. Main gates will be closed while drive is repaired, date will be emailed to members. Machinery at Rosdale is available for members from both sites. Thanks to the members who helped at the work party.
Bull Meadow Report:
Plums were stolen when gate was left unlocked. Please make sure gate is locked at all times.
One plot neglected. Mower looks to be on its’ last legs. We may have to purchase a new one in the future.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance £5477.12 (£50 peppercorn rent paid to Thurrock Council)
14 members paid online. Raffle raised £18 (thanks Sheila & Clive)
It was agreed to purchase 12 fold up chairs.
Use of Water on Site:
Estimated costs = RR £500, BM = £300 (Andrew will query BM invoice with Water Board.
PLEASE USE WATER WISELY, Wherever possible water before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m. If you have to water in the sun, best to use a watering can as spray can harm plants and cause leaf burn. Fill IBC’s with rain water.
It’s our 14th Association AGM as a self managed site. Welcome and thank you for attending tonight.
What a lovely early warm spring we had this year compared to last year’s wet and cold one. However the late frosts took their toll on the tree fruit blossom, our own Apple crop was very limited this year.
Since the last AGM we have held a Bonfire BBQ, Christmas Quiz, Summer BBQ and an NSALG open day.
Also Chris Collins our Secretary once again organised another successful day trip to the Canterbury Food & Drink Festival, where we were blessed with good weather, and I know a good time was had by all who went.
I would like to thank everyone who has attended these events, and I am sure you would like to once again show your appreciation for Chris for organising the Canterbury trip & all her work as secretary.
Martin Smith from Smith’s G/C also held his produce stalls again. In July we held our 1st stall and raised £120 our 2nd stall will be on Sunday 15th October between 10am-1pm hopefully we can match that figure. All your excess produce will be welcome at the stall (or contact Bev Rollings on G.T 408984).
I believe there will be another joint allotments stall at Christmas to raise money for charity. Produce especially Jam’s pickles, Relishes or chutneys will be gratefully received.
Our own NSALG Open day held at Rosedale Road site raised £220.
Once again thanks go to all whom provided produce & cakes, helped or attended.
A major step forward this year was the resolution of the Conifer hedge with Mosaic homes. With the hedge finally removed at their expense, hopefully we shall have no more issues with the site as it is due for redevelopment.
We had a particular eventful week in summer at Bull Meadow site this year, with a Sewage leak, water leak & the notice board damaged by a fallen tree. Thankfully after considerable work by the council’s contractors all have been remedied.
Unfortunately this year, George Stewart from Rosedale Rd site passed away. His body was interred in Scotland his native country.
Our thoughts once again go to his family.
I would like to thank both site managers Alan Collins (assisted by Clive Robertson and Tony Briggs at Rosedale Rd) & Les Dartnell at Bull Meadow for all their hard work throughout the year, Our new Treasurer Elaine Stevens, Membership secretary Sheila Cheeseman, seed secretary Jane Priest & Auditor Craig Gibson, committee members Clive Cheeseman & Lorraine Roast, also Mark Kennedy for running our website,
Last year’s most improved plot was Nick Smith’s plot from Rosedale Road Site; who received a sack of Grow Organic, this year’s winner will be announced later.
This year we have a new Competition, along with some hand carved trophies which shall be engraved with the winners’ names for posterity to be returned at the next AGM.
Good luck & happy growing
Andrew Klecha (Chairman)
Election of Committee:
In the absence of any nominations, the existing committee agreed to carry on.
Cost per rod:
It was agreed not to raise the cost per rod at this time
Most improved plot:
was awarded to John Wakeley, plot 48a Bull Meadow – well done.
Veg competition:
Best Above: 1st – E. Stevens
Joint 2nd: C. Cheeseman, A. Collins, E. Henry
Best Below: 1st S. Maloney, 2nd G. Nicholson, 3rd L. Dartnell.
Well done to all who entered.