All posts by ydennekm

Veg Talk – January 2018

Veggie Talk – January 2018

Many plot holders lost onions/leeks last season due to Allium Minor beetle, only remedy is to burn/brown bin plants. Shallots can be planted now, some members are planting parsnips now and broad beans can be sown in pots under shelter to be planted out later.

Meeting – January 2018




Dartnell, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, C. Collins, D. Smith, M. Barnes, C. Robertson, Klecha , K . Walsh, R. Pearce, K. Pearce, E. Henry, J. Guerrero, E. Stephens, J. Priest, Nicholson, L. Roast, S. Maloney.


A. Collins, P. Jay, M. Jay.


Matters Arising:

Rosedale Road site drive has been repaired, thanks to all involved. Smith’s new discount cards will not be ready until mid Feb. – use old ones until then. Martin Smith is willing to come to a meeting to give a talk – date TBA. Peppercorn rent of £25 per site has been paid to Thurrock Council  – we have 4 more years left on our lease. Quiz Winners: Ann’s Army –

Losers: The Losers. Well done to all who took part.


Rosedale Road Report:

Manure needed. Clive is going to organize erection of a fence at the side of Dave Brown’s plot. A work party will be needed – date to be arranged at the next meeting. No news on Mosaic Homes redevelopment.


Bull Meadow Report:

Manure needed. Part of car park churned up after waterworks repairs, there will be a work party on March 11th – Andrew will try to arrange delivery of scalping for this day.


Treasurer’s Report:

The Society made £37 from seed orders – thanks to Jayne for organizing this. Site Insurance has been paid £295.82.  Balance stands at £4,811.45. Elaine will arrange for a donation of £50 to Tyrells Hall for the use of the hall. Raffle raised £17.50 thanks to Sheila and Clive.



Donations of unwanted Christmas presents would be appreciated for our monthly raffles.

Clive R attended the TASG meeting  (Thurrock Allotment Steering Group) They are going to try to resurrect the Thurrock in Bloom Competition (as Thurrock Council seem to have abandoned it) £50 prize for Best Site, £50 prize for Best Plot and £100 prize for Best Junior School. Next Meeting of TASG is April 3rd Belmont Hall, anyone can attend. Dean has been trying to get info from them to add to a Website about Thurrock Allotments – Brian Taylor to be contacted. Council tool sheds in the east of the borough have been broken into hopefully this trend will not spread to allotment sites  – be aware.

Clive R can get 20 litre water carriers contact him if you are interested.



Veg Talk – November 2017

Veggie Talk – November 2017

Sow Now: Garlic/Overwintering Onions/Broad Beans (in pots or in the ground)

Andrew will ask Martin from Smith’s if he would be willing to come to a meeting and give a talk on the nourishment of the soil. Seaweed spray is good for micro-nutrients.

Leeks attacked by Leek Moth, show signs of brown streaks. Sticky traps can be used to trap the moths, it also would help to grow leeks under cloches.

Meeting – November 17




Collins, D. Smith, M. Barnes, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, L. Dartnell, E. Stevens, Nicholson, J. Guerrero, L. Roast, S. Maloney, A. Klecha, M. Hughes, K. Walsh, Robertson, A. Osborn, D. Osborn.


A. Collins, E. Henry, P. Jay, M. Jay.


Matters Arising:

No invoices received as yet from Thurrock Council for standpipe, or from Mosaic for trees.


Rosedale Road Report:

Chipping and manure on site. Thanks to Clive R for his help with the bonfire and to the 11 people who attended – a good time was had by all, a lot of work went into this and it would have been good to see more at the event.

Thanks to George and Norman for helping to clear up the debris afterwards.

Clive R thanked Alan for use of his van and his time.  Scrap raised £39 Balance is now £60.

Thanks go to all members who helped at the last work party.

THE DRIVE WILL BE REPAIRED ON MONDAY 13TH NOVEMBER – N.B. NO CARS WILL HAVE ACCESS TO THE SITE ON THIS DAY.  The ballast etc needed will be paid from the scrap money fund. £20 for manure also came from this fund.


Bull Meadow Report:

Manure and chippings on site.  Clive and Sheila C will look for a good second hand mower for the site. Look into storage for this and other equipment.


Treasurer’s Report

Expenses:  £50 peppercorn rent, £483 Rosedale Water, £228 Bull Meadow Water, £60 chairs

Income:     £50 Smiths Stall, £17 raffle (thanks to Sheila and Clive)

Balance:    £5,414,28.



Engraved trophies were presented to Sue Maloney (Best below) and Elaine Stevens (Best above) well done.

It was agreed that in addition to a prize for Most Impoved plot, there will be a 1st and 2nd place for Best Kept Plot – to be judged July/August. Martin from Smith’s will be asked if he will judge this.

New discount cars for Smith’s Nursery will be issued in January. Orders from the Kings Seed Catalogues must be into Jayne by 15th November. 187 Rectory Road.

There is as ATA meeting at the Belmont Hall on 14th November 7.30 – all welcome.

Sheila and Clive Attended the County Body meeting – only 10 sites were represented. Apparently less than a quarter of sites in Essex are self managed.

The next meeting on Friday 8th December WILL BE A CHRISTMAS QUIZ. Teams of 4, bring 1

horticultural question each and some food. Friends and family welcome.



AGM – 2016

AGM – 2016



Umfreville, A. Wright, G. Nicholson, A. Klecha, S. Klecha, C. Collins, S. Cheeseman, Cheeseman, C. Robertson, K. Fisher, G. Ashurst, L. Dartnell, M. Watts, E. Stevens, Kennedy, M. Barnes, L. Roast, S. Maloney, S. Carter, L. Oke.


Jay, M. Jay, A. Collins, C. Gibson, D. Gibson.


Matters Arising:

The saga of the trees in the cemetery/East side on Rosedale still ongoing. We will keep pushing for a solution. Falling branches reported.


Rosedale Road Report:

Pears have been stolen from site, anti-vandal paint applied to gate by Clive. Be aware.. Chippings and manure needed.

Handrail repaired by Clive – well done. Make sure there is not a plastic polytunnel nearby if you have a bonfire.


Bull Meadow Report:

No problems.


Treasurer’s Report:

Balance:  £5,062.40

£178.00 paid to NSALG for membership, £50 to Council for peppercorn rent.

Water bill for Bull Meadow £162.25, Rosedale water bill estimate £484.

Elaine is trying to get on-line banking for next year allowing subs to be paid on line.


Water usage on site:

Water usage on Rosedale is much improved on last year – thanks to members for

co-operation. IBC tanks have been ordered – this will help save water on plots.


Chairman’s Report:


It’s our 13th Association AGM as a self managed site. Welcome and thank you for attending tonight.

Even though we started off with a cold wet spring, summer finally arrived in July and stayed with us until September, a true old fashioned summer.

Was the cold wet spring a bonus or a drawback for our garlic competition? We shall find out later.

Since the last AGM we have held a Bonfire BBQ, Christmas Quiz, Summer BBQ and an NSALG open day at the Rosedale Rd site.

Also Chris Collins our Secretary once again organized another successful day trip to the Canterbury Food & Drink Festival, where once again we were blessed with superb weather, and I know a good time was had by all who went.

I would like to thank everyone who has attended these events, and I am sure you would like to show your appreciation for Chris for organizing the Canterbury trip.

Martin Smith from Smith’s G/C also held his produce stalls again. We had 2 stalls and rose over £208 and our profile in the local community.

Thank you to Bev Rollings and Tony Briggs who helped me man the stalls and also everyone who donated produce.

There will be another joint allotments stall at Christmas to raise money for charity. Produce especially Jam’s, pickles, Relishes or chutneys will be gratefully received.

Last year’s most improved plot was Stephen Tagg’s plot from Bull Meadow Site; this year’s winner will be announced later.

Although there has been much communication between us, the council and Mosaic Care Homes, the issue of the conifers and overhanging cemetery trees is still to be resolved.

Rest assured we shall keep chipping away until we get some action.

Unfortunately this year, Keith Bacon passed away. It was heart-warming to see so many members at his funeral, and I know his presence has been missed at Rosedale Rd Site.

Martin Smith from the G/C planted a Magnolia stellata on the newly formed plateau at the Boscombe Rd end of the site in memory of him, which I know many of you attended.

Next I liked to thank both site managers Alan Collins (assisted by Clive Robertson and Tony Briggs at Rosedale Rd)  & Les Dartnell at Bull Meadow for all their hard work throughout the year, Membership secretary  Sheila Cheeseman, seed secretary & Auditor Jayne Priest, committee members Clive Cheeseman & Lorraine Roast, also Mark Kennedy for running our website,

The keen eyed among you will have noticed our new Treasurer Elaine Stevens who kindly stepped up to the plate after Clive Robertson stepped down after 10 years service.

And it’s at this point I would like to present Clive, a token (Engraved Brandy Glass) of our appreciation on behalf of all the committee and members, for his time and work as Treasurer since 2006.

Keep growing and good luck to everyone with their garlic. New trophies await the winners’ mantelpiece or shed shelf.

Andrew Klecha (Chairman)


Election of Committee:

Chair: Andrew Klecha,

Secretary: Chris Collins,

Treasurer: Elaine Stevens,

Committee Members: S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, L. Roast, C. Robertson.

Site Manager Bull Meadow: L. Dartnell,

Rosedale Road: Alan Collins assisted by Robertson.


Cost per Rod/Membership.

It was agreed by all present that there was no need for a price increase.

Concession is paid by members at State Pension Age.


Most Improved Plot:

Nick Smith – well done, certificate and voucher for 1 bag of 6X.

Heaviest 3 finest garlic competition:

Heaviest: Les Dartnell  51g.

3 finest:   Andrew Klecha.

(Only 2 entries)



Veg stall & BBQ

Veg stall & BBQ


Hi all

Thanks to Dean & Bev for their help on the stall at Smith’s on Sunday, and everyone who donated produce.

You will be pleased to know that pretty much everything was sold, and we raised £120 for the Association.

Also the good weather brought out over 50 members, family & friends to the summer BBQ last Saturday.

Thank you to everyone who attended.

I hoped you all enjoyed it as much as Sue & I did

Happy gardening


BBQ & Stall at Smith’s Garden Centre

BBQ & Stall at Smith’s Garden Centre


The summer BBQ is this sat at Rosedale Site from 5pm. All friends and family are welcome, BBQ supplied bring your own drink and food to barby.(Folding chair if you have a spare arm!)

Also this Sunday at Smith’s G/C we have stall selling excess produce at 10-1pm.(no plants)

Please bring any produce, including Jam’s & Chutney’s to the stall, or drop off at 8 Premier Ave Grays RM16 2SD.

There will also be a food bank box for tinned food donations.


Meeting June 2017


C. Collins, G. Nicholson, L. Dartnell, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, D. Smith, Barnes,E. Stevens, A. Klecha, K. Walsh, A. Gudge.


A. Colllins, P. Jay, M. Jay, L. Roast.


Matters Arising:



Rosedale Road Report:

The purchase of 6 tarpaulins £17 each from B & Q was agreed so that unworked/unused plots can be covered. £102 given to Chris. No invoice as yet from Mosaic regarding tree felling. Several plots not worked, letter/emails to be sent. Hopefully replies will be received.


Bull Meadow Report:

Sewerage leak on site, also a water leak, water has been turned off until the problem is fixed. Luke Love from Thurrock Council informed. A large tree fell from the old Council Nursery site onto the car park. Car park has been cleared, tree left on site. Thanks to John and Clive for their help.

Two hosepipes have been stolen. Please make sure hoses are not left trailing along paths as this is a trip hazard and could cause a nasty accident.

Gate is still being left open PLEASE SHUT GATE AT ALL TIMES. Andrew is going to put a combination lock on the pedestrian gate – plot-holders will be notified of combination numbers. Manure on site.


Treasurer’s Report:

Raffle raised £9.  Balance £4272.81 (income £30 Grow organic)            (expenditure £2.03 water)



Site open day has been changed to Saturday 5th August (more convenient for some members) Donations of produce/preserves/cakes and help on the day appreciated

10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Smiths selling days: 9th July 10 – 1 p.m. donations of produce etc and help needed 15th October 10-1p.m. donations of produce etc and help needed.


AGM HAS BEEN CHANGED TO FRIDAY 6TH OCTOBER (subs to be paid at the latest at this meeting)

 Veggie Comp at AGM :  3 best(same) above ground  and 3 best(same) below ground.

There will be an outing to Canterbury Food & Drink Festival (agreed by members present) on Saturday 23rd September IF ENOUGH PEOPLE ARE INTERESTED. Cost to be confirmed – usually about £12-14. Please contact Chris by email/phone to add your name

Gro Organic still available £6 per bag see Alan or Clive.

Next meeting Friday 8th September 8 p.m. Tyrells Hall.