Category Archives: Meetings

Meeting APRIL 2021



C. Cheeseman, S. Cheeseman, D. Smith, A. Klecha, C. Collins E. Stevens.

Sheila found a gold wedding ring in the Bull Meadow Area,

Clive Robertson has lots of tadpoles if anyone wants some for their pond

Notices to be put by troughs DO NOT WASH PRODUCE IN THE TROUGHS as this will cause them to fill with mud, please use a container.

Nine troughs have been put up at Rosedale Road, 2 tanks at Bull Meadow to be adapted with ball cocks. A work party to help will be needed at Bull Meadow, date to be arranged.

 There will be dedicated taps at either end of Rosedale for hand washing/drinking water only, not for hosepipes. Thank you for your co-operation. It was agreed that the cost for filling an IBC will be set at £3 (barrels price to be arranged, obviously lower cost) from October.

Andrew and Clive will speak to John Wakeley for advice in putting up a shed to keep rotavators

in at Bull Meadow. Andrew will take the broken rotavator to see if it can be mended. If it cannot, it was agreed that we purchase a second hand one when there is a shed to keep it in.

Our contingency fund needs to be around £4,000 in case of large water bills etc and unforeseen repair cost and purchase of any machines needed.

There is around £500 of the Lottery Grant left, a few more invoices to be paid from this.

New plots will be inspected after 6 weeks to make sure they are being worked, also if a tenant receives 3 letters regarding the non-cultivation or the state of their plot during one growing season i.e., March – October they will be evicted. Let us know if you have any difficulties before it gets to this please.

New agreements will be put in place in July/August incorporating the new water use rules, this will need to be signed before invoices for the plots are given out. Dean will be on site for a number of days in August to enable plot holders to sign. Dates to be arranged.

It was agreed that trees must preferably be no higher than 7 ft, however if trees or any other tall plant/growing frame is more than 12 ft tall and this causes a problem with neighbouring plots e.g., shade or spreading roots, a majority vote of the committee will decide on the action to be taken.

Thank you to Gareth for obtaining the IBCs and to John for picking them up for us. The next lot are for Rosedale Road, and thanks to you all for putting them on your plot to conserve water.

Thank you all for your co-operation.

AGM 2020

AGM 2020

Hi all,

We usually do not send these minutes out until before next years AGM, but times are very different now, and here are the AGM minutes. Six of us met last night (socially distancing of course)

AGM (following the rule of 6) – 09.10.2020.


E. Stevens, A. Klecha, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, A. Collins, C. Collins

Matters Arising:


Rosedale Road Report:

Site in good order. Scrap raised £87.60 for funds, thanks to Stuart for use of lorry. Sale of produce by Alan so far raised £31.05 for funds. Manure on order. Did any member pin a strange letter from a resident to the notice board? If so, could you give us further information please. Gro Organic on site for sale £6.50 per bag.

Bull Meadow Report:


Carpets dumped in middle of car park need to be moved ASAP. Letter to be sent to plot holder.

£20 raised for funds from sale of scaffold boards. Manure needed.


12 names on waiting list. (66 members registered)

Treasurer’s Report:

Books audited 31.8.2020. (Thanks to Craig Gibson) Balance at audit £4028.51.

Peppercorn rent paid to Council, Waiting for water bills.


Water is to be turned off 1st October as usual. PLEASE USE WATER WISELY, we are expecting a rather large bill, if this is the case we will have to investigate ways of saving on water use.

Election of Committee:

Dean Smith is now a Committee Member. As no nominations or volunteers were put forward for position of Chairman, Secretary, Membership Secretary or Treasurer, the present Committee agreed to carry on for another year.

Lorraine Roast resigned as a Committee member, thanks for your help as a Committee member during the past Lorraine.

Cost per Rod:

It was agreed by all present to raise the cost per rod from £2.60 (concessions) to £2.80 And from £2.90 to £3.10 from September 2021.  Membership charge will not be changed at the moment.

Plot 4N:

Is to be kept as a site plot for another year, to be reviewed at the next AGM.


This time of year I am usually welcoming you all to our AGM, sitting comfortably with drink in hand at the top room Tyrells Hall Club.

This unprecedented year find us unable to meet together due to the ongoing restrictions of the Coronavirus.

So, for our 17th self-managed AGM, the committee alone are gathered in our secretary’s house obeying the Rule of six.

I hope you all have come through unscathed by the virus and have enjoyed the freedom our allotments and gardens have given us through the pandemic.

As you will all be aware anybody who has been fortunate enough to have an allotment, has had access to fresh air, exercise and nature, with the added bonus of growing and eating their own fresh fruit and vegetables. Notwithstanding the mental health and wellbeing this all brings.

Our growing waiting list shows the true value of an allotment during these troubled times. Hopefully reiterating the long- term importance of sites for future generations.

Please remember if at any stage of your tenancy you are struggling with your plot for whatever reason please contact our secretary or your site manager. Please also be considerate to your fellow plot holders.

So, no summer BBQ, Open Day, Outing, Bonfire BBQ and highly unlikely the Christmas Quiz this year.

Never the less I would like to thank all those who have helped to keep our sites running.

At Rosedale Rd Site, Manager Alan Collins ably assisted by Clive Robertson, Tony Briggs and numerous other helpers.

A special mention for Alan who helped the Allotment shop in Chadwell distribute Composts and seeds during the Lockdown, along with supplying fresh eggs from Kent to any welcoming member.

Also, a special mention for Tony and Clive who revamped the pond at the Boscombe Rd end.

Les Dartnell with help from Alan Gorringe and myself have managed to keep the Bull Meadow Site ticking over,

A special mention also for Russell Cherry who added another pond to the site.

If any member would like to volunteer for any site works please contact the Site Managers or any committee member.

Speaking of which, appreciative thanks once again go to our Secretary Chris Collins, Treasurer Elaine Stevens & Auditor Craig Gibson, Membership secretary Sheila Cheeseman, Seed Secretary Jayne Priest, Mark Kennedy for the website, Dean Smith our social media guru & committee member Clive Cheeseman (who has also been busy this year transforming the derelict half of the Bull Meadow site with his band of volunteers).

Hopefully this time next year we can all once again enter our fruit & Veg in our AGM Above and Below ground competition. Along with welcoming back our most improved plot winner.

Something we all stand a chancing of winning this year, with all the extra time most of us had on our plots.

May your plots keep enriching your mind and bodies during the coming seasons.

Please take care.

Andrew Klecha (Chairman) 

– Note from Chris – Thanks to Andrew our Chairman too!

Meeting – September 2020


Socially distanced meeting of committee in Secretary’s garden 9th September 2020.


S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, A. Klecha, E. Stevens, A. Collins, C. Collins


L. Dartnell.

Matters Arising:

Chadwell Allotment shop is only open on a Sunday 9.30 – noon. They have onion sets. Reminder that they will shut for the winter months.

Rosedale Road Report:

Thanks go to Tony B and Clive R for their work on the Boscombe end.  New wheelbarrows purchased are in the barrow store by the main gate. Scrap will be taken next week. PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS TO GET RID OF HOUSEHOLD RUBBISH!  e.g. garden chairs with fabric. This is for scrap metal/car batteries only to raise funds for the Association. Manure needed, also woodchip at Boscombe end. There have been some reports of blight on site. Dispose of any infected plants. Blight resistant tomato seeds are available e.g. Mountain Magic, Crimson Crush.

Please keep an eye out for any strangers on site as some members have had fruit go missing. A polite reminder that no produce should be taken from another plot without plot holder’s permission.

Bull Meadow Report:

Manure on site, scaffold board obtained, monies raised from sale of boards went into allotment funds. Andrew will phone a plot holder regarding pile of carpets left in the car park as we have had no reply to emails, also their uncultivated plot. DO NOT PUT HOUSEHOLD RUBBISH ON SCRAP HEAP.


No vacant plots, 14 names on the waiting list.

Treasurer’s Report:

Balance: £4668.51.    

Wheelbarrows purchased, plumbing bill Bull Meadow, NSALG membership,

Council peppercorn rent paid.

 43 members have paid subs.


Thanks to Elaine for hopefully resolving the Bull Meadow Water Bill Saga!


Kings Seed Order books will be left in the Shelter at Rosedale. Jane will collate any orders, please let her have them by 30th October. (Books will be taken to Bull Meadow)

If anyone has spare produce, see Alan or leave them on plot 4N and he will sell them at the local club to raise funds.

It was decided that the AGM this year (because of the rule of 6) will be attended only by the committee member. However, if you want any issue raised or wish to nominate anyone as Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary or as a committee member please let us know. Dean Smith has put his name forward as a committee member and has been seconded by Clive Cheeseman.

AGM Meeting (Committee only): Friday 9th October 2020.

AGM 2019

AGM 2019


B. Childs, A. Collins, C.  Collins, E. Stevens, A. Klecha, S. Klecha, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, J. Record, S. Record, J. Guerrero, C. Robertson, A. Osborn, D. Osborn, G. Nicholson, E. Henry, B. Henry, D. Brown, L. Roast, S. Maloney, P. Jay, S. Carter, A. Davison, C. Davison, K. Fisher, G. Ashurst, L. Dartnell, T. Dady, J. Dady, P. Williams, J. Williams.


K. Walsh, J. Lane, N. Fielder.

Matters Arising


Rosedale Road Report:

Scrap from both sites raised £92. All plots let. Wheelbarrows on their way.

Bull Meadow Report:

One plot vacant, to be re-let. New padlock purchased, will try to get a chain welded to it.

Treasurer’s Report:

Balance at end of Sept. : £5518.61p. Books audited by Craig Gibson (our thanks go to him for this)

Peppercorn rent paid to Council £50. Waiting for water bills for both sites. Raffle tonight raised £34 – thanks to Sheila and Clive.

Use of Water on Site:

Three new taps are needed, these will be purchased from the scrap money. Large bills expected because of dry summer.


Welcome all. Tonight is our 16th Association AGM as a self- managed site.

Once again our summer was long & hot with no real prolonged rain arriving until mid September. It feels churlish to complain but watering was definitely a regular daily job.

On June 22nd, we held our summer BBQ at the Rosedale Road site, preceded by a work party. An excellent turnout for both was blessed with good weather.

The NSALG Annual Allotment Open Day was held on a sunny Saturday morning in mid August and finished just before the rain came down. A record amount of £350 was raised from members’ excess produce along with delicious homemade cakes and refreshments.

I would like to once again thank everyone who either attended or supplied produce, cakes or delivered flyers.

Back on the agenda this again this year, was the day trip to a food festival. This September the Deal Food Fair was our destination, and even though a lot smaller than the Canterbury food fair, I believe everyone who made the coach trip had an enjoyable day. Thank you Chris for once again organising it.    

Winter work parties in February had a good- turnouts and much was achieved at both sites.

John Little also helped me again, to complete the topping of the vehicle entrance to the bull Meadow site for just the cost of the road scalping and thanked with a bottle of single malt whiskey.

Phuman Singh, a long standing member of Bull Meadow site unfortunately passed away this year. Clive & Sheila attended the funeral.

As always I would like to thank Site managers Alan Collins(assisted by Clive Robertson & volunteers)at Rosedale. Les Dartnell (assisted by Alan Gorringe) at Bull Meadow. Our secretary Chris Collins, Treasurer Elaine Stevens, Membership secretary Sheila Cheeseman, Seed secretary Jayne Priest, Auditor Craig Gibson, committee members Clive Cheeseman & Lorraine Roast. Mark Kennedy for running the website( and Dean Smith our Social Media whizz kid.

Last year’s most improved plot was Ashley Osborn’s plot from Rosedale Road Site; who received a certificate & sack of Grow Organic, this year’s winner will be announced later.

Once again this year we have the Best up to three Vegetable or fruit Above & Below Ground Competition, the winners receiving the wood turned trophies for a year with their names engraved for posterity, to be returned at the next AGM.

Good luck & happy growing

Andrew Klecha (Chairman)

Election of Committee: In the absence of any new nominations, the existing committee agreed to carry on for another year.

Cost per rod: It was agreed that there was no need to raise the cost per rod (£2.90) this year.

Plot 4N: It was agreed to use this for allotment produce for another year – to be reviewed next AGM. Thanks to Alan, Clive, Norman, George and Stuart.

Most Improved plot: Elaine Henry Plot 34W.

Veggie Competition

Best Above – 1st. B. Childs – cauliflower, 2nd J. Guerrero – grapes, Joint 3rd S. Maloney – butternut and C.Collins – cabbage.

 Best Below – 1st. S. Maloney – parsnips, 2nd J. Record- celeriac,                     3rd A. Klecha – potatoes.

Next AGM. Friday October 9th 2020.

Meeting – March 2020



C. Robertson, A. Osborn, D. Osborn, A. Collins, C. Collins, G. Nicholson, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, A. Klecha, L.Dartnell, S. Maloney, L. Roast, J. Guerrero, E. Stevens, K. Fisher, G. Ashurst, P. Williams, J. Williams, R. Cherry.


K. Walsh, E. Henry, D. Brown.

Matters Arising:

Tenant on Rosedale Road agreed to give up one of his plots.

Correction for opening times of Chadwell Allotment Hut: Wednesday 12 – 2 p.m.  Sunday 9.30 – 12 noon.

Rosedale Road Report:

Thanks to those who helped to move a polytunnel to a different plot. The shed needs clearing on the plot that is now vacant, it will then be re-let a.s.a.p. Thanks to Clive R for mowing the grass paths.

Chippings on site, HOPEFULLY manure will be delivered next week. Boscombe end notice boards needs repairing.

Plot holder notified us he is unwell and needs a bit of time.  (Thanks for letting us know)

Chris contacted Council regarding mast, apparently they still do not know who owns it, I will chase them up again.

The case of the hidden wheelbarrows continues!

Bull Meadow Report:

All plots being worked.

WORK PARTY SUNDAY 15TH 10-12 noon. HELP MUCH APPRECIATED. A piece of land needs clearing for possible small container, plus other jobs.

Suggestion to build a shelter from pallets. How do Bull Meadow tenants feel about this – let me know via e-mail please.

Fence behind one plot is leaning and needs to be fixed, any pieces of plywood spare please to help with this.


5 names on waiting list.

Treasurer’s Report:

Balance = £5538.41.

Still ongoing issues with water company, should be sorted when next bill received.

Raffle raised £17


Clive R. helped to deliver letters from TASG to all Allotment sites in Thurrock, their next meeting is 27th March, Belmont Hall 7 p.m. All welcome to attend. Council run sites charge £108 per plot.

Next Meeting Friday 17th April (All being well!) Watch this space.


Meeting – February 2020



C. Collins, A. Collins, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, E. Stevens, E. Henry, J. Guerrero, B. Childs, G. Nicholson, K. Walsh, C. Robertson.


A.Klecha, D. Brown, L. Dartnell, R. Cherry.

Matters Arising:


Rosedale Road Report:

Many thanks to all who turned up to help at the work party, to plot by the field will be rotavated again and chipping will be applied, top end looking good, Clive R. will have another go at the weeds Boscombe end, any help appreciated. Road will be strimmed if we ever get dry weather.

Tap by Alans plot has been moved back to allow easier access to end, thanks to Stuart and Bob for their help.

Chris will phone Council to try to find more information on who owns the mast that was blown over in the storm as this could give access to the site. 

Still waiting for manure delivery.

Bull Meadow Report:

One plot vacant, Sheila will contact next on the list.

Clive C thanks people at the Rosedale work party for help in getting his water container upright.


7 names on waiting list.

Treasurer’s Report:

Balance £5546.76.  £50 paid to Tyrells Hall, £38 various stationery, income grow organic £87. 

Raffle raised £10.50

Still waiting for Rosedale Water bill.

Gro Organic still available £6 per bag.


Clive R has a new HP304 printer cartridge any member can take it for a donation to the society.

Chadwell Allotment Association opening times : Wednesday 9.30 – 12 noon and Saturday 12 noon – 2 p.m. Large bags of compost £4 per bag and other bargains.

Letter to be sent to tenant regarding plot.

Smiths Nursery have herb/cabbage plants in stock.

Box of lime has been donated to the Site.

Next meeting Friday March 13th 8 p.m. Tyrells Hall.

Meeting – January 2020



S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, A. Davison, C. Davison, C. Davison, A. Klecha, A. Collins, C. Collins, L. Dartnell, K. Walsh, G. Nicholson, D. Smith, M. Barnes, C. Robertson, E. Stevens, D. Brown, E. Henry, G. Ashurst, K. Fisher, M. Linsdell, M. Cherry, R. Cherry, S. Maloney, L. Roast.



Matters Arising:


Rosedale Road Report:

Waiting for dry weather to work on grass paths.

Ordered two loads of manure – hopefully they will be delivered next week.

No chippings on site.

Flower bulbs donated by Martin (Smiths Nursery) will be planted on plateau by Keith’s tree, some have been planted in tyres on main bank.

Council have been working in the cemetery and have cleared out the space between allotment side wall and the fence, they have put all the rubbish into the cemetery.


Bull Meadow Report:

All plots being worked, chippings on site, manure needed.


5 names on the waiting list.

Treasurer’s Report:

Balance £5547.76. 

Cost of Quiz Night £27.00,

Site Insurance £314 paid.


Chadwell Allotment Association opens Sunday 19th January for seed potatoes etc.

Two meeting dates have been changed because of bank holidays:

April 10th CHANGED to April 17th.      May 8th CHANGED to May 15th.

TASG (Thurrock Allotment Steering Group) now have a Facebook page and are on wotsapp.

They are concerned that Site leases are due to end Dec. 2022. Their next meeting is Friday 27th March, Belmont Hall – all welcome to attend.

There is a work party at the Wildlife Community Park, (next to Bull Meadow) Sunday 12th January, help appreciated, bring your tools! 10 a.m.


We all have stuff on our plots that we think are useful, but to keep the plots looking tidy this should all be stored in one area on the plot and not scattered about.   Thank you.

Many thanks to Elaine for organising the Christmas Quiz – a good time was had by all.


AGM 2018

AGM 2018


E. Stevens, A. Collins, C. Collins, A. Osborn, D. Osborn, J. Osborne, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, L. Dartnell, P. Williams, J. Williams, R. Pearce, Kate, J. Guerrero, E. Henry, A. Klecha, M. Watts, C. Watts, G. Nicholson, T. Dady, T. Dady, L. Roast, S. Carter, S. Maloney, M. Kennedy, C. Robertson.


P. Jay, M. Jay, R. Cherry, M. Cherry, K. Walsh

Matters Arising: 


Rosedale Road Report:

Scrap from both sites raised £72. (Thanks to Clive and George for their help)  Scrap can be left by the main gate for the next run.

One or two plots not being worked – email/letters to be sent. One vacant plot.

Bull Meadow Report:

One plot not being cultivated, letter to be sent. 

Two vacant plots

Treasurer’s Report:

Balance at end of Sept: £5545.28. 

Expenses include £50 peppercorn rent to Council, 1 plot subs not paid. (17 members paid via on-line banking) (Well done to Elaine Stevens for her work) 

Raffle raised £24. (Thanks to Sheila & Clive)


Estimated water bills received £680 (Rosedale)  £198 (Bull Meadow)

In view of the long spell of dry weather this year it was thought that this was in line with previous years. No action required.


Welcome and thank you for attending tonight. It’s our 15th Association AGM as a self managed site.

For those of you old enough to remember the Beast from the East this February was a blast from the past when we used to have icicles on gutters and net curtains frosted to the inside of the windows before the days of central heating. Spring wasn’t much better with what  seemed like continual rain….but look what June, July & August  brought us another blast from the past; a real summer.

It looks like it has produced some good produce for the competition later.

Since the last AGM we have held a Bonfire BBQ, Christmas Quiz, Summer BBQ and an NSALG open day.

I would like to thank everyone who has attended these events, and supplied vegetables and cakes for the open day which raised £257 for our Association.

This year there was no produce stalls at Smith’s Garden Centre due to building work going on there during the summer, Although I have heard Martin is hoping to run a charity stall near Christmas. Watch this space.    


Serendipity called on us this year, as for the first time in a number of years there was no annual trip to the Canterbury Food Fare… rained all day.

Work parties were well attended at Rosedale road site with a follow on BBQ in June, while at Bull Meadow John & Rob Little helped me relay the roadway to the site entrance with fresh crushed concrete and finings for a cost of £425 +vat. We are hoping to finish it off early in the New Year.

Unfortunately earlier this year, Chris Bell a long standing plot holder from Bull meadow site passed away. Our condolences were sent to his wife Rita and family.

I would like to thank both site managers Alan Collins (assisted by Clive Robertson and Tony Briggs at Rosedale Rd) and Les Dartnell at Bull Meadow for all their hard work throughout the year, Our Secretary Chris Collins, Treasurer Elaine Stevens, Membership secretary Sheila Cheeseman, seed Secretary Jayne Priest, auditor Craig Gibson, committee members Clive Cheeseman & Lorraine Roast, Dean Smith our Social Media Guru and Mark Kennedy for running our website,

Alan also gets a second mention for becoming our recycling officer turning our collected scrap metal into extra funds for the kitty.

Last year’s most improved plot was John Wakley’s plot from Bull Meadow Site; who received a sack of Grow Organic, this year’s winner will be announced later.

Once again this year we have the Best up to three Vegetable or fruit Above & Below Ground Competition, the winners receiving the wood turned trophies for a year with their names engraved for posterity, to be returned at the next AGM.

Good luck & happy growing

Andrew Klecha (Chairman)

Election of Committee:  

In view of the absence of any new nominations it was agreed that the existing committee carry on for another year.

Cost per Rod/Membership:

It was agreed by all present that the rod price £2.90 does not need to be raised, but that the invoices will be raised up to the nearest pound.

Plot 4N:

It was agreed that this would be used for growing produce for sale at our open day, and will be reviewed annually

Most Improved Plot:

Ashley Osborn (Rosedale Road) Well done Ashley for your hard work.

Veggie Competition:

Best Above:  Sue Maloney (3 Squashes)      

Best Below: Alan Collins (3 carrots.)

Well done to both!

NEXT A.G.M. Friday 11th October 2019.


AGM Agenda – 2019


1.                                 PRESENT

2.                                 APOLOGIES

3.                                 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING

4.                                 MATTERS ARISING

5.                                 ROSEDALE ROAD REPORT                    

6.                                 BULL MEADOW REPORT

7.                                 TREASURER’S REPORT


8.                                 USE OF WATER ON SITE

9.                                 CHAIRMANS’S REPORT

10.                               ELECTION OF COMMITTEE

11.                               COST PER ROD/MEMBERSHIP

12                                PLOT 4N    

13                               MOST IMPROVED PLOT AWARD

14                              VEG. COMP. 1-3 FINEST ABOVE, 1-3 FINEST BELOW

                       Next  AGM  – FRIDAY 11TH OCTOBER 2019.

Meeting – September 2019



C. Collins, A. Collins, B. Childs, C. Cheeseman, R.Pearce, K. Pearce, J. Guerrera, D. Brown, E. Stevens, L. Dartnell, A. Davison, C. Davison, J. Record, S. Record, A. Osborn, C. Robertson, P. Williams, J. Williams


A. Klecha, S. Cheeseman, S. Carter.


BBQ was enjoyed by all who attended. Open Day was a big success, £350 was raised for funds. Thanks to everyone who helped with flyers, delicious cakes and help on the day.

Outing to Deal went very well, weather was not too bad either.

Tap on Rosedale will be moved after 1st October when the water is turned off.


If you have borrowed wheelbarrows from Rosedale, can you please return them to the main entrance, thank you. Alan will look into purchasing 3 new ones. 

Delivery of manure is due at the end of September. The last lot contained oat/barley seeds which are sprouting up all over the site, please pull these up before they start to seed.

Suggestion for tyres/pots to be put around plants at Boscombe end garden and poison applied around them as weeds are continually growing there (after spring bulbs have come through)


Polite e-mail to be sent to plots holder regarding overgrown allotment. Chris will order a combination lock to replace the one that went missing from the gate.

Two vacant plots.


8 on waiting list.


Balance £4,532.76 (raffle raised £14.50 – thanks to the two Clives)

Books have been audited – thank you to Craig Gibson.


Subs must be paid by AGM October 11th or there will be £10 added to your invoice. TASG had a stall at the Orsett Show, thanks to Clive R and Elaine S for attending on our behalf.

Suggestion of an additional open day end of June next year and a banner to be placed at Boscombe Entrance, also mention of Boscombe entrance on flyer.

Veggie competition at AGM: Best 1-3 (same) above ground.  Best 1-3 (same) below ground. Scrap will be moved from both sites by Alan next week

NEXT MEETING AGM Friday 11th October 8 p.m. Tyrells Hall Club. All welcome.