AGM 2020
Hi all,
We usually do not send these minutes out until before next years AGM, but times are very different now, and here are the AGM minutes. Six of us met last night (socially distancing of course)
AGM (following the rule of 6) – 09.10.2020.
E. Stevens, A. Klecha, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, A. Collins, C. Collins
Matters Arising:
Rosedale Road Report:
Site in good order. Scrap raised £87.60 for funds, thanks to Stuart for use of lorry. Sale of produce by Alan so far raised £31.05 for funds. Manure on order. Did any member pin a strange letter from a resident to the notice board? If so, could you give us further information please. Gro Organic on site for sale £6.50 per bag.
Bull Meadow Report:
Carpets dumped in middle of car park need to be moved ASAP. Letter to be sent to plot holder.
£20 raised for funds from sale of scaffold boards. Manure needed.
12 names on waiting list. (66 members registered)
Treasurer’s Report:
Books audited 31.8.2020. (Thanks to Craig Gibson) Balance at audit £4028.51.
Peppercorn rent paid to Council, Waiting for water bills.
Water is to be turned off 1st October as usual. PLEASE USE WATER WISELY, we are expecting a rather large bill, if this is the case we will have to investigate ways of saving on water use.
Election of Committee:
Dean Smith is now a Committee Member. As no nominations or volunteers were put forward for position of Chairman, Secretary, Membership Secretary or Treasurer, the present Committee agreed to carry on for another year.
Lorraine Roast resigned as a Committee member, thanks for your help as a Committee member during the past Lorraine.
Cost per Rod:
It was agreed by all present to raise the cost per rod from £2.60 (concessions) to £2.80 And from £2.90 to £3.10 from September 2021. Membership charge will not be changed at the moment.
Plot 4N:
Is to be kept as a site plot for another year, to be reviewed at the next AGM.
This time of year I am usually welcoming you all to our AGM, sitting comfortably with drink in hand at the top room Tyrells Hall Club.
This unprecedented year find us unable to meet together due to the ongoing restrictions of the Coronavirus.
So, for our 17th self-managed AGM, the committee alone are gathered in our secretary’s house obeying the Rule of six.
I hope you all have come through unscathed by the virus and have enjoyed the freedom our allotments and gardens have given us through the pandemic.
As you will all be aware anybody who has been fortunate enough to have an allotment, has had access to fresh air, exercise and nature, with the added bonus of growing and eating their own fresh fruit and vegetables. Notwithstanding the mental health and wellbeing this all brings.
Our growing waiting list shows the true value of an allotment during these troubled times. Hopefully reiterating the long- term importance of sites for future generations.
Please remember if at any stage of your tenancy you are struggling with your plot for whatever reason please contact our secretary or your site manager. Please also be considerate to your fellow plot holders.
So, no summer BBQ, Open Day, Outing, Bonfire BBQ and highly unlikely the Christmas Quiz this year.
Never the less I would like to thank all those who have helped to keep our sites running.
At Rosedale Rd Site, Manager Alan Collins ably assisted by Clive Robertson, Tony Briggs and numerous other helpers.
A special mention for Alan who helped the Allotment shop in Chadwell distribute Composts and seeds during the Lockdown, along with supplying fresh eggs from Kent to any welcoming member.
Also, a special mention for Tony and Clive who revamped the pond at the Boscombe Rd end.
Les Dartnell with help from Alan Gorringe and myself have managed to keep the Bull Meadow Site ticking over,
A special mention also for Russell Cherry who added another pond to the site.
If any member would like to volunteer for any site works please contact the Site Managers or any committee member.
Speaking of which, appreciative thanks once again go to our Secretary Chris Collins, Treasurer Elaine Stevens & Auditor Craig Gibson, Membership secretary Sheila Cheeseman, Seed Secretary Jayne Priest, Mark Kennedy for the website, Dean Smith our social media guru & committee member Clive Cheeseman (who has also been busy this year transforming the derelict half of the Bull Meadow site with his band of volunteers).
Hopefully this time next year we can all once again enter our fruit & Veg in our AGM Above and Below ground competition. Along with welcoming back our most improved plot winner.
Something we all stand a chancing of winning this year, with all the extra time most of us had on our plots.
May your plots keep enriching your mind and bodies during the coming seasons.
Please take care.
Andrew Klecha (Chairman)
– Note from Chris – Thanks to Andrew our Chairman too!