Category Archives: Members Blog

Chris Knott Insurance


Exclusive Protection for NAS Members

Chris Knott Insurance is delighted to announce the launch of a brand new insurance policy designed for NAS members

Having been an NAS partner for a number of years, the team at Chris Knott Insurance has come to realise that allotment holders often can’t find suitable insurance protection for equipment and tools left at their plots – even if the items are securely locked away.

So they decided to do something about it!
Behind the scenes, they’ve been hard at work developing a new insurance policy that makes life easier for members like you.
Their new Home and Allotment Insurance policy covers both your property and any items left at the allotment against a range of risks, including fire, theft, and storm damage up to a value of £500, with just a £25 excess.

Key info:

Two tiers of cover: Premier and Premium Theft, loss and damage cover for domestic gardening equipment stored on your allotment

Up to £500 cover for each incident of loss or damage

Includes wheelbarrows, lawnmowers and chainsaws Just £25 excess for gardening equipment Ongoing support and claims assistance

And, as with all Chris Knott Insurance policies, the insurance is accompanied by a high level of personal service and assistance in the event of a claim.
“We’ve had lots of conversations with associations and plot holders over the years,” says Neil Franklin, Managing Director of Chris Knott Insurance. “We understand their frustrations about the lack of insurance provision for allotments and wanted to do something to help. This new product provides members with the peace of mind that their homes and possessions have suitable protection.”
Get a quote today! Visit or call 0800 917 2274.

Chadwell Allotment Shop is open!

Chadwell Allotment Shop is open!

A reminder that the Chadwell Allotment Shop is open as from this morning, 22nd January 22.

Opening times are:

Sunday 9.30am to 12.00noon

Wednesday 12noon to 2.00pm

Good range of seed potatoes, onion sets, shallots, seeds, compost – plus other useful bits and bobs. All competitively priced, lower than garden centres.

Happy shopping!

Scaffold Boards

12th September 2022 – SCAFFOLD BOARDS

Hi All

I have an order for around 50 x 6ft scaffold boards at the moment(Tina,Jon,Janet & Bill, me)

Still no long ones yet.

Does anyone who hasn’t contacted already want to add to the order?




14th August 2022 – Update

Hi all,

Many thanks to everyone involved in our open day, from getting the flyers printed, delivering them, produce donations, the lovely cakes and all the help. Takings on the day = £243.31p

Well done to everyone.

Please do not have a bonfire during this dry weather. Take no chances. Please keep dogs on a lead at all times while on site.

If anyone has picked up my enamel plate with a blue fish painted on it and a red cake slice, could I have them back please!



June newsletter

June Newsletter

Hi all,

Alan and his very much appreciated helpers have cleared an allotment of the rubbish left by the previous tenant. He had to make 2 trips to the scrap merchants. Raised £87.00) Andrew is going to dispose of the rest. 

I have been asked to contact you regarding what NOT to leave in the scrap metal pen.

  • There were wooden clothes horses with plastic casing this is a NO
  • No Gas bottles as they do not take them because of safety issues.
  • The pen is for METAL only. If you are unsure, please speak to Alan before adding to the pile.

We also need to discuss the use of Astro turf at the September meeting. Is it the same as carpet?

I have also been asked to remind members that dogs should be kept on a lead at all times as per your contract – thank you

We are not being jobsworths (as was suggested) but trying to keep the plot safe for everyone and to keep it running smoothly.

I have only had a couple of people show interest in The Canterbury Food & Drink Festival 24th September, please email if you want your name put down.


Inspection update

Inspection Update

Hi all,

The site inspection has taken place, most plots are in a good cultivated condition and passed with flying colours – well done to all of these tenants!  Some just skipped through by the skin of their teeth, a few just need minor things done and couple failed miserably!! Individual emails will be sent to these members. Do not take offence, we are trying to make things better for all members and also keep to the Council Tenancy agreement. Don’t worry if you have only just taken on your plot as allowances have been made for you.

If you are struggling to keep up with the cultivation of your plot and wish to downsize please contact Sheila.

Some trees on site are growing too tall and need trimming, if you need help contact a committee member.

One tenant has given up his plot and left all his rubbish to be cleared by members. It cannot possibly be re-let at the moment. This is a busy time of year for members, so will be cleared in time.

We are very lucky to have a small number of core helpers, many thanks to them.

Still waiting for the year when all plots pass!!! Would make things much easier!

There are two IBCs’ spare, see Alan if you would like to have one of these please. (Rosedale)

Because of the humid weather, now is the time to spray for Blight, before it takes hold.

Happy growing!
