7th March 2021 – NEWSLETTER MARCH 2021
HI all,
Just an update for you all, water troughs have been purchased, along with slabs, blocks and fittings, just 3 more to order.
It appears that some of you have your worries over this change. Most sites do not allow the use of hosepipes and haven’t done for some years – I guess we have been spoiled!
Just to let you know that not all taps will be taken away/locked this year, to allow for the filling by rainwater of the IBC tanks, which you can run a hosepipe from, and to bring this change in gradually, but the tap water should be used sparingly and only before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m. I re-iterate SPARINGLY. We cannot have another water bill of over £1,200. Not only about the money, but conserving water as we are all advised to do.
Please contact the committee if you feel that you will be unable to cope with these changes, perhaps for medical reasons and we will try to work with you. Please note the site managers cannot answer questions regarding this.
At a future date, there will be a small charge for re-filling your tanks, that way the members who use the most water pay the most – a fairer way of charging.
If you have not returned your signed slip from the new agreements yet, can you please do so, return to Sheila, or Elaine. If you have lost them, Sheila will get another to you.
We are on a learning curve here, and changes can be made if and when problems arise, thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
We are arranging a work party this month for help in siting the tanks. DTBA probably on a Saturday morning.
We will arrange a meeting as soon as we are allowed even if it is on site.
Any problems, please contact a committee member.
I am including an article from another allotment site regarding water usage which makes interesting reading. This can be found in the ALLOTMENT TIPS section of our website
Now is the time to get your plot ready for planting, don’t forget inspections are on-going, if you are having problems please contact us to let us know before it becomes overgrown/unworkable.
Chris (on behalf of the committee)