Meeting April 2012

April 2012


 Meeting Friday 13rh April 2012


Present: S. Cheeseman, C Cheeseman, L Roast, C Barker, S.Maloney, M.Watts,         L.Dartnell, A.Collins, C.Collins, A. Klecha, K.Bacon K.Walsh, C.Roberrtson, J.Lane

Apologies: A. Clear.


Matters Arising:

Generator is working. Oak tree still to be trimmed. Lock on Bull Meadow bar gate still broken. Andrew will contact Thurrock Council. Constitution is still being worked on. We need this in place before we apply for grants.


Rosedale Road Report:

One shed broken into, tenant informed by e-mail. Fence made more secure at the field end of Rosedale Road site. Notices have been put on fence regarding anti-vandal paint.

Complaints were received regarding members dogs running loose on site. PLEASE KEEP DOGS ON LEADS.  Water is on. No manure or chippings. Gro-organic is still for sale see Alan, Keith or Clive.


Bull Meadow Report|

Leakage of sewerage has been fixed. No Manure. Andrew will ring supplier. Les to purchase anti-vandal paint. Box of metal tent pegs missing from plot.


Treasurer’s Report:

Raffle raised £11. Balance £2,934.70



Constitution to be amended and sent to committee and to NSALG for their perusal. Dip at entrance to Rosdale to have a temporary fix. It was agreed by all present to purchase a sheet of ¾ ply to make a new door for the main shed.

If anyone has any scrap metal they want taken off site, please talk to Alan or Keith

A theme was discussed for the school fete (if we are asked to attend) a Cup of tea and a slice of cake (made from fruit or veggies|) was suggested. Any more suggestions welcome.

It was suggested that a BBQ be held on Rosedale Site Late June/Early July. Date to be confirmed. All will be welcome.




Our annual inspection will take place during June. It would be very nice not to have to send out any letters regarding under undercultivated/neglected plots. You risk losing your plot if it is neglected/undercultivated. (as per your agreements)  Three committee members will carry out the inspections. Thurrock Steering Group suggest that photos are taken of any neglected plots.  Date to be arranged. There will be a prize for the most improved plot.

We do not currently have a hosepipe ban in the area, We will try to keep you informed of any future developments, but please use water wisely. No sprinklers to be used and hosepipes should be held. Thank you.


Veg. Talk:

Any tender plants poking through will need to be covered if there is a danger of frost.

Plant: potatoes, onion sets, shallots, broad beans, brussel sprouts, summer cabbage. To stop brussel sprouts from blowing -firm the ground well and stake them.


NEXT MEETING Friday May 11th Tyrells Hall Club.