Meeting March 2012

March 2012


Meeting 10.3.12.


Present; A. Collins, C. Collins, J. Priest, L. Dartnell, C. Robertson, A. Klecha, K. Walsh, D. Noon, K. Bacon, L. Roast, S. Maloney.

Apologies: J. Lane.


Matters ArisingWork parties went well on both sites. Many thanks to all who gave up 2 hours of their time to join in.  Much was achieved.

Generator is still not working. Alan and Keith will take it into the Globe works. Apparently Luke’s father deals in generators and may be willing to part exchange this one for a working model if we cannot get it fixed.

Gro organic has been delivered £6.00 per bag please see Keith, Alan or Clive.

Padlock on Bull Meadow pedestrian gate still broken. Les has fitted a chain for now.

The hostel on whose land the dangerous conifer resides is to get someone to look at it.

Andrew will prune the oak tree on Rosedale Site when time allows. A grant for the ground at the entrance to Rosedale is still being looked into. A temporary solution maybe necessary. Alan to look into this.


Rosedale Road Report:

Nine sheds have been broken into, nothing stolen, but there was some damage. Police were informed and attended on site. Aldi’s had alarm locks in stock; keep your eye out for when they are in stock again. £8.99 – really loud!!

Little Thurrock School children visited the site on 6th March, and will make a return visit during June to see the difference. Thanks to Alan, Keith, Clive, Dave, Jane and any others involved for their input. No manure.


Bull Meadow Report.  

New tap fitted. Gate is being left open. PLEASE BE SURE TO LOCK UP when you leave. No manure

Les’s shed was broken into and a hammer stolen. Anti-vandal paint needed.


Treasurer’s Report: 

Raffle raised £11.00   Balance £2,937.37

A donation of £50 was made to Tyrells Hall for the use of the room. If any of our members wish to hire their hall, they can have it at member’s rate.



Constitution needs to be in place. Chris Collins is amending one to suit us and will e-mail D.Noon so that he can give it the once over.


Veggie Talk: Sow seeds indoors: tomatoes, peppers, and celeriac.

Sow in the ground: Peas, broad beans, parsnips, spring onions, onion sets.


NEXT MEETING: FRIDAY 12TH APRIL. 8 p.m. Tyrells Hall Club.