April 2016
Meeting 8th April 2016.
C.Gibson, D. Gibson, A. Collins, C. Collins, G. Nicholson, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman,
- Stevens, P. Jay, M. Jay, R. Umfreville, A. Wright, C. Robertson, M. Barnes, D. Smith,
- Dartnell, K. Walsh, A. Klecha, B. Rollings, P. Rollings, S. Klecha.
Matters Arising:
Water usage signs are up. No news regarding trees (Mosaic Homes) although Dean had some damage caused by a landslide. Andrew will contact them again.
Rosedale Road Report.
A spare lock is to be put somewhere in shelter for emergencies. Magnolia has been planted in memory of Keith (Thanks to Smith’s Nursery). A couple of taps need to be checked as the water has been turned on. 6X is available to purchase still £6 per bag you can get some for friends if you wish.
Some plots are looking neglected (not worked) please be aware that inspections are on-going and you risk eviction. We are aware of several members with health issues.
Bull Meadow Report:
One un-worked plot, Les will contact him for permission to spray plot. Water is on
Treasurer’s Report
Tyrells Hall paid £50. Balance : £3491.00 (after paying for 6X) Raffle raised £16
A suggestion was made by a member to turn Keith’s plot into a children’s area with swings in memory of him. It was decided by all present that although it was a nice thought, because of insurance and safety issues that it was not practical.
- Blackburn will be away for 3 months, his sister will probably be working his plot.
RR & BM Facebook page will be updated with photos by Dean. Thanks Dean.
Clive R thanked Sheila and Clive for running the raffle at the meeting and to all who bought tickets.
AGM Veggie competition: 3 finest and 1 heaviest garlic with roots.
Veggie Talk:
It is time to plant almost everything e.g., beetroot, lettuce, onions, spring onions. You can now purchase deeper square gro-bags. You can register with Blightwatch on line for updates. You should spray for blight before it happens – every 3 weeks. Copper Fungicide by Bayer is a blight spray available from shops.
Next Meeting: Friday 13th May 2016 Tyrells Hall 8 p.m.