Meeting January 2016

January 2016


 Meeting 8th January 2016.



C. Robertson, A. Klecha, C. Collins, A. Collins, L. Dartnell, E. Stevens, P. Jay, M. Jay, D. Smith, M. Barnes, T. Briggs, S. Maloney, L. Roast, K. Bacon.


C. Gibson, D. Gibson, C. Cheeseman, S. Cheeseman, K. Walsh, J. Priest


Matters Arising:

Andrew will try to get key back from ex-plot holder.

Gardeners from Mosaic Homes deny tipping their rubbish over their fence onto ground behind the allotments. Cameras will be at the ready!

Dean has been in contact with the legal team at  NSALG – they need any papers, plans, deeds etc. (which Andrew will e-mail to Dean) They will then put a bit of pressure on the Authorities to try to get a quicker resolution to our problem with the conifers/damage.

Well done Dean for your help and effort.

Mark Kennedy has been re-imbursed £25 (cost of the Web Site per year)

Tyrells Hall to be given a donation of £50 for the use of the room for our meetings.

Only 9 bags of Gro-Organic left.

Apparently Smith’s Nursery had their delivery of seed potatoes and they should be for sale soon. No news yet on Chadwell Allotment Association it may be open the last week in January. I will keep you informed

The December Charity Day at Smiths raised £616, after adding in their Charity Boxes £1250 went to Great Ormand Street and Little Havens. Thank you to all members who helped/supplied produce etc. There are photos on our Website.(Keith won the Xmas cake)


Rosedale Road Report:

The shed roof has been fixed. Boscombe end garden still being worked on. (Looking Good) Thanks go to all involved in this project. Woodchip needed, manure needed.


Bull Meadow Report:

No problems. Apparently Orsett Allotment received a Lottery Grant, Tony will look into this regarding re-opening of unused part of Bull Meadow site.


Treasurer’s Report:

Balance £4,381.25.



Brian Taylor is looking into resurrecting the ATA.

If anyone hears of any IBC tanks going, please let us know. (best put on a pallet with plastic over the top of the pallet)

Work Party: ROSEDALE ROAD Sunday 31st January 10-12 noon. All help appreciated.

Work Party: BULL MEADOW Sunday 14th February 10-12 noon. All help appreciated.

Chris will look on the internet for 6 pyracantha and 2 fruit trees to finish top garden RR.

Thanks to all those who attended the Quiz Night winners were: D & C Gibson and

  1. Stevens(The Alcoholic Allotment Avengers)

It was agreed that Dean Smith sets us a Society Facebook Page. Thanks Dean.

Four metal signs regarding water use on site will be ordered.    P.t.o……

As per our rules, and our agreement with the Council,(that plots should be kept cultivated and tidy) letters will be sent to plotholders who do not appear to be working their plots by the Spring. If you do have a valid reason e.g. health, please let us know so that we are aware.  If you do know that you will be away for several weeks during the growing season, please arrange to have a friend/neighbour/relative tend the plot so that it does not become a problem for adjoining plots. Thank you