June 2015
Meeting Friday 12th June 2015.
S. Cheeseman, A. Collins, C. Collins, A. Klecha, L. Dartnell, B. Rollings, P. Rollings,
- Carroll, P. Blackburn, C. Robertson, K. Craft, A. Craft, K. Bacon, M. Jay, P. Jay, L. Roast,
- Gudge, T. Gudge
Apologies: E. Stevens, T. Briggs, S. Maloney.
Matters Arising:
Sunday 14th June is our day for selling produce at Smiths Nursery 10a.m. to noon. If anyone has any produce could you take it down there. Bev has kindly offered to man the stall.
The next date we have is Sunday 6th September – any produce will be welcome.
Our open day will be on Saturday 15th August again spare produce appreciated.
No news as yet on ATA meeting date. Andrew will contact Luke Love (Thurrock Council)for more info. Thurrock in Bloom entry form can be obtained on line, cut off date is 20th of June, I believe there is a category for allotments.
The inspections have been completed, thanks to the members who helped. Only 2 letters this year, well done everyone. Inspections are carried out throughout the year, just to remind you that the South side path on your plot is your responsibility.
Rosedale Road Report:
Steel door has been made, but a frame is being made before it is put in place. £41 from scrap metal has been put into the kitty. Shed has been painted. A fence panel from the garden of the hostel is missing, Andrew will contact them. BBQ built.
Bull Meadow Report:
Petrol mower will be taken to Dobsons, if they say it is not worth repairing, a second hand one will be purchased. Hosepipes are still being left on paths. Andrew will have another word with the culprits. This creates a hazard.
Treasurer’s Report
Raffle raised £15 (thanks Sheila) Balance £3884.05 (cost of BBQ to be deducted) £20 admin cost will be paid to the Insurance Company to raise cover of machinery
A.O.B. The website (rr&bm.co.uk) is still in place – photos have been updated.
Orsett Show is looking for more horticultural entries.
Canterbury Trip: Saturday 26th Sept. – If interested, please email me to have your name added to list.
Veg Talk. Spray for blight end of June. Bordaux Mix is nearest to organic. Read on the internet: Mixture of milk and water spray for blight and mildew on courgettes etc. Seems we may have infected manure again. Clive’s potatoes are coming through with furled leaves, however, it seems to grow out as they grow. Mollycoddle your leeks for competition!!