Meeting October 2012 AGM

October 2012 AGM


A.G.M. 12.10.12


  1. Dartnell, M. Watts, C. Robertson, A. Collins, C. Collins, T. Briggs, S. Cheeseman,
  2. Cheeseman, G. Nicholson, D, Smith, K. KcClay, D. Brown, A. Clear, C. Barker,
  3. Naish, L. Roast, J. Dady, T. Dady, H. Turnnidge, A. Klecha, S. Klecha, K. Bacon,
  4. Tagg.


  1. Kennedy, S. Maloney, K. Walsh.


Matters Arising:



Rosedale Road Report:

Concrete run in a entrance completed. Thanks again to all who helped. Pears have been stolen from a plot. Three vacant plots will be re-let within the next few weeks.

Some plots are severely neglected. Letter will be sent giving three weeks to get these in order. The fir trees should be trimmed down within a few weeks. Andrew will talk to the Council regarding the trees on the cemetery side as they now have their own Arb team.

No manure. Water turned off 1st October.


Bull Meadow Report:

One plot given up and will be re-let. No manure.Water turned off 1st October, but there is a leak. Andrew has contacted the water board, they will fix it and arrange for a leakage allowance.. He will also contact Luke Love regarding the state of the lead pipes. The council Arb team will cut down the willow tree. Apparently there are stables near Bull Meadow and you can go and help yourself  to manure on a Saturday morning, see Les Dartnell for directions.


 Treaserer’s Report :

Balance at 1.8.12 = £3003.74. (books audited by J. Priest) many thanks to Jayne. Total cost of concrete run-in was £357.30.

Final invoice is to be sent to plot holders who have not paid up by today. With an additional £10 fine for late payment.  2012 : Income:  £2211.49  Expenditure: £2002.19



  1. Clear proposed that we adopt the constitution as it stands, this was seconded by
  2. Dartnell. If any member needs a copy, please contact the secretary or another committee member.


New Council Leases.

 The Association of Thurrock Allotments (of which we are a member) are negotiating new council leases on our behalf. At the moment they are in discussion regarding the length of the contracts. There is a meeting of ATA regarding this on 30th October, It was agreed that Andrew Klecha, and Clive Robertson will attend and sign on our behalf. Any member can attend. Further details from Andrew.

Cost per rod: It was voted unanimously that the cost per rod will not be raised next year.


Chairman’s Report: attached.


Election of Committee:

A.Clear proposed the unopposed re-election of the current committee, this was seconded by T. Briggs.


Most improved plot was won by A. Gudge. – well done Angela



It was suggested that we pay £180 to John the manure man up front, if he can guarantee delivery of manure throughout the year. Andrew will contact John and ask if he will do this.  However, it should be noted that the society is not obliged to supply free manure to plot holders, and members are free to find their own supply.

Cost of insurance to be looked into when it is due. ATA may be able to get group insurance.

Kings seeds catalogues will be distributed shortly. Hopefully, Jayne Priest will deal with member’s orders.

Gro-organic will be re-ordered in Spring.

NSALG will be setting up a new web-site, and there is talk of a discount card. More information to follow.

  1. Brigs suggested that a petrol lawn mower is obtained for the upkeep of the site. Agreed by all present – a new one will cost £3-400. Agreed by all present.

List of members to be supplied to T. Briggs and he will contact Smiths regarding discount cards that have not been handed back when members leave.

As we now have a constitution in place, there will be no AOB at the next AGM. Any member wishing to discuss an issue must put in in writing/e-mail 14 days before the AGM.


Competition Winners:

3 x finest beetroot : S. Klecha

Heaviest beetroot: 1ST: Les Dartnell – 5lb 13.5oz      2nd: Shirley Watts – 5lb. 6oz

3rd: Alan Collins  – 3lb 11oz         4th: Lorraine Roast – 3lb 4oz

5th|: Keith Bacon – 3lb 2oz.          6th: George Nicholson – 2lb 10oz

7th:  Clive Robertson – 2lb 8oz     8th  Andrew Klecha – 2lb 0oz

9th Samuel Turnnidge: 1lb 6oz.


Chairman’s Report AGM 2012

 Welcome everyone to our 9th self managed Association AGM

It’s good to see such a good turnout again.  The committee are always heartened to see members attend meetings and contribute to the running of the Association.

Since the last AGM: a bonfire/bbq, Xmas quiz, work parties, a school visit, a vegetable cake baking appearance at Little Thurrock School Fete, site inspections, and a new entrance drive at Rosedale Road have been staffed and mostly enjoyed by volunteers.

Thank you to everyone who has got involved in these events: no matter the size of the task, you have helped maintain your sites.

There are photos of some of these activities on our website: which Mark Kennedy has set up and maintains. A password is needed to enter the blog, if you do not know this, please contact a committee member.

This year’s growing season has been one of the strangest on record.  Warm, cold, wet, dry, wet and that was just last Friday! I hope it hasn’t disheartened you too much to try again next year, and you managed to produce some fine beetroot specimens for this year’s veg competition.

Last year’s most improved plot went to Carol Barker from the Rosedale site. This year’s plot holder will be announced later.

That just leaves me to say thank you to Keith Bacon & Alan Collins, site managers at Rosedale Road, Les Dartnell at Bull Meadow, seed secretary and auditor, Jayne Priest, membership secretary and raffle organiser Sheila Cheeseman, treasurer Clive Robertson, committee members Clive Cheeseman and Lorraine Roast and last but not least, our secretary Chris Collins who deserves a special mention for the effort she has put into creating the new Constitution, as well as her normal tasks.

Andrew Klecha  (Chairman)