October 2013 AGM
A G M October 11th 2013
- Cheeseman, S. Cheeseman, L. Dartnell, S. Dartnell, M. Watts, S. Watts, N.Fielder
,G. Nicholson, A. Collins, C.Collins, A. Klecha, L. Roast, S. Maloney, K. Bacon,
- Smith, H. Turnnidge, S. Turnnidge.
Apologies: C.Robertson, K. Walsh.
Matters Arising :
Rosedale Road Report:
Pears stolen. Be aware that anyone caught taking produce from another plot without the holder’s permission will be evicted. Keep an eye out for any unauthorised persons on site.
Trees on cemetery side should be cut down during the winter. Waiting to hear regarding trees on Rosedale Rd. side of site. Couple of plot have been neglected. They will be called by telephone. No manure.
Bull Meadow Road Report
One plot holder will be given until spring to improve the plot (owing to personal difficulties): No Manure.
Treasurer’s Report
Balance at end of financial year (books audited by J. Priest) £3206.05
Current balance: £4,424.00
Raffle raised £16.50.
User of water on site::
It was decided to leave things as they are as long as water is used sensibly. If water cost rise usage will be discussed further at the 2014 AGM.
New Council Leasaes.
As the new Council leases are for 10 years, we could register with the Land Registry for extra protection, this would involved appointing 3 trustees (not committee members) and going through a solicitor. As we are statutory sites with extra protection, it was decided by all present not to go down this route, and to stay as we are.
Chairman’s Report: See attached.
Election of Committee
In the absence of any nominees for committee, the current committee agreed to carry on.
Cost per Rod
It was decided not to raise the price per rod next October. This will be reviewed at the next AGM.
Most improved plot was won by M. Phillips and J. Barrell, Plot 41B Bull Meadow. Well Done! They receive a certificate each plus a bag of 6X.
Sprout Competition
Heaviest: 1st. L. Dartnell 4g
2nd S. Turnnidge 3.5g
3rd A. Klecha 2g
3 Finest 1st S. Turnnidge 2nd L. Dartnell 3rd H. Turnnidge
4th A. Klecha
Chairman’s Report AGM 2013
Welcome everyone to a decade as a self managed Allotment Association.
We are glad you have braved the wet weather and joined us tonight.
Once again this year, as well as the monthly meetings(except July & August) we have organized and enjoyed a bonfire night and summer BBQ as well a Christmas Quiz.
On Sunday August 11th we joined the NSALG NATIONAL ALLOTMENT OPEN DAY by opening up the Rosedale road site to the public. Sunshine welcomed a good turnout with plenty of positive feedback.
Over £80 was raised on Homemade cakes and tea along with various Allotment produce being eagerly snapped up. It is hoped we shall follow it up again next year.
Thank you to everyone who has supported these events we hope you have enjoyed yourselves along with the work you have put in.
Our 1st annual trip we take place on 19th October. When a coach full of plotholders, family and friends will be heading for Brogdale’s Apple Festival in Kent. All spaces have now gone. If it proves successful I am sure we will try to organise another trip next year.
Even though we have had fine summer, spring arrived late this year and if like me you had to pick your 3 Finest Sprouts with tweezers and your heaviest looks like a minute cabbage, just remember it’s the competing that counts and laughter does us all good!
Last year’s Most Improved Plot went Angela & Trevor Gudge from Bull Meadow Site. This year’s winner will be announced later.
That just leaves me to say thank you to Keith Bacon & Alan Collins site managers at Rosedale Rd, Les Dartnell at Bull Meadow. Mark Kennedy who runs our website: rrbm.co.uk. Seed secretary and Auditor Jayne Priest, Membership secretary and raffle organiser Shelia Cheeseman, treasurer Clive Robertson, committee members Clive Cheeseman and Lorraine Roast and last but not least our secretary Chris Collins who amongst other things keeps us all up to date with site and meeting news.
Thank you all for coming and good luck to those who managed to bring some Brussels along
Andrew Klecha (Chairman)