Meeting June 2009

June 2009


 Meeting Friday 12th June

Present: C.Robertson, M. Kennedy, K. Thompson, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, J. Southgate, K. Bacon, A. Collins, C. Collins, L. Dartnall, A. Klecha, J. Priest, R. Rivett, L. Roast.

Apologies: C. Pellerini, S. Maloney


Matters Arising:

Shredder was sold on e-bay for £350.71 (after expenses) Thanks to R. Rivett.

Martin Roast  is to erect notice board at Boscombe entrance. Baize is needed to repair notice board for Bull Meadow. Thurrock in Bloom entry forms are on the notice board.


Rosedale Road Report:

Rubbish that appeared at gate has now disappeared. Price of digger to remove rubbish from plot that is in a bad state is £140. Site manager to speak to plot-holder, as he has now started to plant in places.

Many thanks to R. Rivett and his wife, and K. Bacon for helping the site manager to erect the storage shed on the patio. (It was hard work)

R.Burkey’s plot has been strimmed by the site manager; he has now started to work it.

Most of the water pipes have been renewed, (also some taps) Fittings had to be purchased. Taps is needed at the end of plot no. 31.

The large strimmer has fallen apart (yet again). The head needs to be replaced with a stronger, different one. Agreed.


Bull Meadow Report:

There is an on-going dispute over boundaries.  This will be looked at during the inspection of the site.  The committee’s decision is final.

Any person with a grievance should either attend the meeting, or write a letter outlining the complaint so that it can be dealt with and not left to fester, causing bad feeling.

A plot holder left blighted tomatoes in all year. Please ensure infected plants are removed as soon as possible.



Treasure’s Report

Balance £339.24   (incl sale of shredder)

Raffle raised £16.00



  1. Priest has offered to audit the accounts ready for the AGM in October. Many thanks.
  1. & V. Pellerini are going to attend East Tilbury School “Green Day” on 19th June.

The Little Thurrock School Fete is on Saturday 25th June. We will be attending, and donations of plants and any raffle prizes would be welcome. Contact C. Pellerini.

The site inspection will take place on 19th June.

There are 16/17 names on the waiting list, although some may have taken plots at Pimms Place but have not notified us.

BBQ this year will be held on Rosedale Road Site on 6th September at 1.p.m. All members are welcome; just bring some food to cook and some drink.  Bring your families along too! (C.Robertson and A.Collins assure us it will be the hottest day of the year)

Next meeting Friday 11th September 2009 at Tyrrells Hall 8 p.m.

All members welcome.