Osborn, A. Osborn, C. Robertson, C. Cheeseman, S. Cheeseman, J. Record, G. Nicholson, A. Collins, C. Collins, A. Klecha, K. Walsh, E. Stevens, D. Smith, M. Barnes, J. Guerrero, Dartnell, E. Henry, B. Henry.
Lorraine Roast.
Our thanks go to Martin Smith, from Smith’s Nursery for attending our meeting and giving a very interesting talk on soil nutrition and allotments, and thanks for carrot seeds and seed potatoes. It was enjoyed by all present and was very informative.
Matters Arising:
Work on the Bull Meadow approach road has almost been completed at a cost so far of £510. Another 3-4 loads of granite type 1 is still needed – cost approx £150 – agreed by all present. It was also agreed to get a bottle of spirit for the truck driver, as he did not charge for his time
Rosedale Road Report:
Work party did not take place due to the bad weather. The water has not been turned on yet – again because of the wet weather conditions. Please put any scrap you have into the area by the manure pen at the main gate. There are pallets on site for members use.
Bull Meadow Report:
Pedestrian gate is sticking, but should right itself as the weather improves (clay soil causes it to move) One plot holder has let us know that they will be unable to work their plot for around 3 months due to ill health – we wish them a speedy recovery. Alan will ask his contact to visit the site to ascertain if it is possible to get a small container on site. Water not yet turned on.
Treasurer’s Report:
Balance £4.701.97 (£510 invoice to for Bull Meadow Work to be paid)
Raffle raised £15.50 (Thanks to Sheila & Clive)
The December meeting for the Quiz night will be 7th and not the 14th of the month.
Clive Robertson has forms for entry into the Allotments Thurrock in Bloom Competition.
(Best Site/Best Plot) We are entering this to support them and it would be good to see that all plot are worked and tidy, if you are having problems or intend to give up your plot, could you let us know asap – thank you. If you wish to enter your plot, see Clive for a form.
The house wall by the Boscombe Road entrance looks to be in a very dangerous state, also the manhole is broken – PLEASE BE CAREFUL.
An eye should be kept on the plans for the re-development of Mosaic Homes regarding a walk way at the top end of Rosedale Road.