January 2009
Meeting Friday 9th January.
Pres: L. Dartnell, A. Collins, C. Collins, C. Cheseman, L|. Roast, G. Nicholson, S. Maloney, C. Robertson, A. Klecha, K. Walsh, J. Lane.
Apol:C. Pellerini, S. Cheeseman, D. Noon.
Matters Arising:
Gro-organic will be ordered soon as we now have enough orders to go ahead. People will be notified of the day of delivery, and it should be collected and paid for at this time. Please note, that we have no storage facilities.
Chadwell St. Mary Allotment Association opens on Sunday 18th January. If the very cold weather continues their seed potatoes will not be delivered to them until later.
Unfortunately we were not successful in obtaining a lottery grant, the reason being that applications solely for improvements to the physical allotment site are not eligible.
Two tins of anti climb paint have been purchased.
The rubbish at Rosedale Road has been cleared. £20 gratuity to driver.
Manure delivered. Barbed wire purchased.
Rosedale Road Report
A shed was broken into – nothing was stolen. Ground frozen and at one point a car had to be towed out because of ice on the slope. Rock salt to be purchased and stored in shed.
Anti vandal paint has been applied to top of gate. Thanks to Vic Pellerini for helping the site manager to clear the car park after the rubbish was cleared.
Bull Meadow Report
Barbed wire has been put in place. Manure delivered. Les Dartnell is to trim trees to a reasonable height. Ground frozen.
Treasurers Report:
We have public liability insurance of £5,000,000, and shed contents of £2,600.
Books were audited by J. Priest. Present balance £3699.10.
Raffle raised £13.00
A.Collins is to bring notice boards to next meeting. T. Briggs is to be invoiced for the remainder of the year as he is now cultivating his plot.
L.Pickett’s plot has not been touched, a letter sent with his Christmas card about this remains unanswered. A letter is to be sent giving him to the end of February to cultivate (not strim) his allotment. We have four names on the waiting list and cannot let plots go uncultivated.
There seems to be some confusion between Thurrock Council and the Development Corporation about what is to happen about the Pimm Place Site – all allotments or part school playing field. Time will tell.
Len Nolan’s shed needs to be removed from plot. C. Roberson to put a letter through his door.
Work party for Bull Meadow 10a.m. -12 noon Sunday 1st February. (weather permitting) Clearing brambles, and to strim grass. All helpers welcome, bring refreshments.
Wood chipper still has to be tested.
Xmas Quiz Winners: The Gooners – L. & M. Roast, D. Noon, C. Cheeseman – well done.
Next meeting Friday February 13th 8p.m. Tyrrell’s Hall – All members welcome.