Meeting May 2009

May 2009


 Meeting Friday 8th May 2009

 Present: A. Klecha, C. Pellerini. K. Bacon, J. Alexander, S.Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, J. Southgate, C. Collins, A. Collins, M. Kennedy, M. Thompson, R. Rivett, L. Roast,

  1. Maloney.

Apologies: C. Robertson, R. Burkey, D. Noon, K. Walsh.


Matters Arising:

Work at Boscombe Road entrance now complete. Grassroots e-mailed us to say thank you for returning paperwork promptly.

£50 shrubs (donated by the contractor) planted.

Many thanks to members who helped at work party to re-build the tyre wall – a great improvement.

The shredder has been advertised on E-Bay by R.Rivett, the latest bid is £165. Watch this space.

Andrew  Klecha to put details of Thurrock in Bloom (best allotment) on notice boards. You have until 26th June to apply.


Rosedale Road Report:

Notice board needed for Boscombe end

Rubbish has been removed.

One of our new members on Rosedale Road has found his plot to be in such a bad state that he will need help to clear it. (layers of carpet) Alan Collins will find out how much it will cost for a small digger to do this, and then the carpet needs to be bagged, and dragged to the entrance. A suggestion was made that he need not pay for next year as he has been unable to grow anything this season.

  1. Nolan has donated his shed to the society. It will be erected on the patio for additional storage.

An idea was put forward to turn a grassed plot into a recreation area, but in view of the fact that we have 11 names on the waiting list it was agreed that we let this plot out.

A letter was sent to a plot holder regarding an unkempt plot, the members have decided to give up this plot as they have found no time to do the work. They were informed in the letter that they can re-join the list at any time.  They have also said that they have a rotavator that they will donate to the association.

A new tap needs to be fitted on L. Roast’s plot. Site manager will attend to this.

  1. Burkey has a bad back and has been unable to tend his plot. Site manager will strim this to keep the weeds under control.

Strimmer repaired.  C. Robertson cut hedge by entrance to Rosedale.


Bull Meadow Report

Manure is needed, but at the moment none is available.

Notice board needed.


Treasurer’s Report

Balance £3,090.28

Raffle raised £12.50



 To take advantage of saving 6 months standing charge water MUST  be turned off October 1st and not turned back on until 1st April.

The site inspection will be carried out on 19th June and 26th June.

Please make sure your paths are clear and trimmed (south side) and your allotment tidy. Thank you.

Christine Pellerinii telephoned people on our waiting list to inform them of a meeting regarding re-opening Pimms Place allotments. We do not yet know if any of them took a plot on this site.

Some plots are not numbered.  Site manager to ask T. Briggs if he still has any metal plates left for this purpose.

The turf on L. Nolan’s old plot will be used for the bank at Boscombe Road entrance. Any volunteers?

Little Thurrock School Fete will be held on June 20th 12p.m. – 3 p.m. We will have a stall there, and any donations of plants will be appreciated. Contact Christine Pellerini. Also if you can  be of any help on the day. Andrew has an unclaimed hamper from last year in his loft. Everyone remind him please.

East Tilbury Infants School are having a green day on June 19th and are looking for volunteers to go and talk to the children about allotments. Any one interested contact Andrew Klecha.

Mr. Wiltshire has offered to give us a talk about Japanese gardening, but needs the use of a laptop/projector. We also would have to get permission to use the TV at Tyrrells Hall.

Andrew will look into this.

Reminder: the veggie competition this year is : Heaviest onion

The best 3 onions. (get growing)


THE NEXT MEETING IS Friday June 12th,  8 p.m. at Tyrrells Hall.

All members welcome.