March 2010
Meeting Friday 12th March 2010.
Present: A. Klecha, S. Klecha, C. Cheeseman, S. Cheeseman, G. Nicholson, C. Robertson, M. Kennedy, M. Thompson, K. Bacon, A. Collins, C. Collins, L. Dartnell,
- Walsh
Apologies: L. Roast, C. Pellerini.
Matters Arising:
The cost to replace all equipment in the shed would be £3,200, plus cost of shed. Insurance needs to be upgraded. Clive Robertson to do this. Possibility of chaining machinery together in shed.
There are 3 rolls of netting available to purchase.
AS IT IS MOTHERS DAY 14TH MARCH, the work party at Rosedale Road has been re-arranged for SUNDAY MARCH 21ST. 10 a.m. All help will be welcome.
The brushcutter cannot be converted from another machine. Alan is to purchase a new one.
Rosedale Road Report:
Manure needed at Boscombe end, but the driver is concerned that he will hit a water pipe on the way down. He will be given Alan’s phone number so that he can direct him in.
Reminder to all members: As there is now no charge for hiring machinery, please give a donation for petrol. Thank you.
Bull Meadow Report:
The double gates have once again been left open, THE LOCK WAS NOT SNAPPED ON. Please be sure to lock the gates WORK PARTY 21ST MARCH. 10 a.m. All help will be welcome. Manure is needed.
Treasurer’s Report : Bal £3903.04
Raffle Riased £14.50.
It has been suggested that as this year we will have been a society for 15 years, we have a buffet dance to celebrate. We need feedback from members to see if this would be viable.
There is still a slight water leak from the meter at Bull Meadow. Andrew will contact Water Board.
AND THE 3 BEST TOMATOES. This will take place at the A.G.M.
Meeting finished at 10 p.m.
Next Meeting Friday April 9th Tyrrells Hall 8 p.m. All members welcome