Meeting January 2013

January 2013


 Meeting 11th January 2013

 Present:T. Barrell, M. Phillips, A. Klecha, C. Robertson, C. Collins, A. Collins, L. Dartnell,  B. Naish, C. Barker, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, L. Roast, S. Maloney.

Apologies: K. Bacon, J. Record.


Matters Arising:

Conifers have not been completely cut down, Alan will contact the contractors. Sheild Insurance do not recommend barbed wire, it could compromise any claim against us. They have no problem with anti vandal paint. The barbed wire at Bull Meadow will be removed during a work party on: SUNDAY 27TH JANUARY 10 A.M. AT BULL MEADOW.(Help welcome, wear thick gloves). Chris will look into the cost of pyracantha whips for a replacement.

Gro organic sold out. Alan predicts a long hot summer (ha ha??)


Rosedale Road Report:

Manure and chippings on site. The new ramp is holding up well. One member has been evicted for non-cultivation. The plot will be re-let asap.. There will be a work party on SUNDAY 3RD FEBRUARY 10A.M. Come along and help if you can.


Bull Meadow Report:

Manure and chippings on site. New plot holders have made a great improvement on their plot – well done. Carpet and other rubbish needs to be cleared. Still waiting for new invoice/leakage rebate.from Waterboard.


Treasurer’s Report:

Balance (after payment of insurance premium) £3,624.87

Raffle raised £13.00 (Thanks for Sheila and Clive)

Clive to contact insurers regarding legality of signs for car park.



10 year Council leases have been signed and returned. One of the conditions is that the tenants (The association) undertake to keep the sites clean, tidy and cultivated.

If anyone is interested in buying more Gro-organic, can you let us know so that we know if it is worth re-ordering this year. Thanks to all who came to the Christmas Quiz

Winners: Kate and Alan Craft and Sue Klecha.

Chadwell  Allotment Association Shop is due to open Sunday 20th January when they should have seed potatoes in stock. Thanks to Jayne for organizing the seed orders.



Veg. Talk: Cara is a blight resistant potatoe. Calcified seaweed is good  for supplying micronutrients to soil, especially sandy soil as at Rosedale Road. Clay soil as at Bull Meadow needs non-soluble additives such as Gro-organic or Gro-more..