April 2013
Rosedale Road & Bull Meadow Allotment Association
Meeting: 12th April 2013.
Present: A. Collins, C. Collins, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, B. Naish, C. Barker,
M.. Phillips, S. Phillips, L. Dartnell, M. Watts, C. Robertson, A. Klecha, K. Walsh.
Apologies: K. Bacon.
Matters Arising:
Andrew is still waiting for information regarding the conifers on Rosedale Road Site. The water was turned on late (because of the risk of frost and frozen pipes) Manure should be delivered next week (watch this space).
We are waiting for advice regarding land registry from ATA. No-one responded regarding a trip to the Apple Festival in October. It will be mentioned again at a later date.
Rosedale Road Report:
There has been NO WORK done at all on a few plots. If you do not intend to work your plot, could you please let us know so that it can be re allocated. The lease we signed with Thurrock Council states: we must keep the site clean, tidy and CULTIVATED. If you do not work your plot you risk losing it. If you are having difficulty keeping up, you may like to down-size and take a half. If you are having difficulties, please let us know now.
One plot is being given up.
Bull Meadow Report:
Hawthorn whips have been planted in places that are vulnerable to intruders. No manure.
Treasurer’s Report.
Raffle raised £10.(Thanks to Sheila) Balance £3,162.08.
Keith is due to have his operation next week. We all send him our best wishes for a speedy recovery.
A BBQ will be held at Rosedale Road one Saturday in June/July date TBA.
It was agreed by all present that we do not attend Little Thurrock School Fete this year.
See Alan at Rosedale if you wish to purchase fertilizer. £6 per bag
Next Meeting Friday 10th May Tyrells Hall Club. 8 p.m.
Veggie Talk. New potatoes should be planted. As the soil hopefully warms, most other seeds/plants can be sown.
Les’s tip for carrot fly: wipe a cloth soaked in paraffin over the foliage. Try sowing variety Autumn King late in the season.