April 2014
Meeting 11.04.2014.
- Robertson, A. Klecha, S. Cheeseman, C. Cheeseman, J. Record, E. Carroll,
- Blackburn, K. Craft, A. Craft, J. Priest, M. Watts, L. Dartnell, A. Collins, C. Collins,
- Stevens, L. Roast.
- Walsh, S. Mead.
Matters arising:
£50 has been paid to Tyrells Hall for the use of the hall.
KEITH IS HOME ! He thanks everyone for their cards and good wishes.
Still waiting for the trees in Medina to be cut back.. An e-mail will be sent to Councillor Gledhill regarding the trees in the cemetery.
The work parties on both sites went well, many thanks to the members who gave up a couple of hours of their time to help. It is appreciated
Rosedale Road Report:
Re: letter sent to plot holder regarding un-worked plot. Work has been started, It will be watched, as contracts state that plots are to be used for the purpose, and kept tidy and weed free. Letters will be sent to plots holders who are neglecting their plot . A mower has been left by the main shed, anyone owning up? Alan and
Clive R will go to have a look at rotovators/strimmers this week.
It has been reported that some members have been trying to take manure/chipping off site. These items are for the use of plot holders on site only.
Bull Meadow Report:
All plots are being worked. Some plot holders have been dumping their rubbish from the site over the fences. Please do not do this. We will have the council on our backs.
Treasurer’s Report:
After deducting £384 for Gro Organic, £50 for Tyrells and £60 for manure the balance stands at £4491.06.
Raffle raised £18.
Chadwell Allotment Shop needs your support. For membership fee of £1 per year, Many saving can be made. They sell all horticultural supplies. Wed: 2-4pm Sunday 9.30-noon.
Email to ATA regarding advertising this.
Little Thurrock School children may visit the site (Tony Briggs is involved in this)
If you are taking rubbish to the tip and Mucking, they now require id from you. Be warned.
Water has been turned on at both sites. Please use wisely, preferably watering before 10a.m. and after 6pm. No sprinklers and unattended hosepipes.
St. Mary’s Church is holding a plant exchange on 24th May.
They also ask (through S. Mead) if anyone would like to give a short talk (3rd Friday of the month.
Apparently there is a seed shortage this year.
Veggie talk:
An e-mail was received asking if maize would cross pollinate with sweetcorn, causing a poor sweet corn crop. Any feed back from members?
There is no boron in the soil at Rosedale Road, to rectify this for growing caulis and swede use calcified seaweed.
To avoid aphid damage, pinch out the soft growing tips of veg such as broad beans. This is what they are after. If rhubarb produced a flower, this is a sign that the plant is too old.
Asparagus needs to be in the ground for 2 or more years before harvesting. Use pheromone traps or grease bands on fruit trees to avoid moth damage.
Next meeting Friday 9th May 8 p.m. Tyrells Hall.