March 2015
Meeting 13.03.15
- Dartnell, S. Cheeseman, G. Nicholson, A. Collins, C. Collins, T. Briggs, C. Robertson,
- Klecha, L. Roast, S. Maloney, B. Rollings, P. Jay, M. Jay, M. Barnes, K. Bacon, S. Carter
Apologies: E. Stevens, K. Walsh, C. Cheeseman
Matters Arising:
Security light for the shed is up and working. Plot 43 has been let. Rubbish has been cleared. Rotovator has been fixed – no charge. Gro organic will be ordered this month.
No news regarding the date of the ATA meeting, we will keep you informed.
Rosedale Road Report:
No chippings. We are in negotiations to purchase another rotavator, depending on price. Machinery will be photographed for records. Insurance company will be contacted, we may need to up our insurance for machinery. A steel door is being made for the main shed.
Tony and Clive cleared rubbish from Boscombe end, thanks go to them. PLEASE DO NOT PUT MORE RUBBISH HERE.
Trees behind electricity substation are in a dangerous state, Andrew will contact the Council and the owners of the hostel. Email to 2 members who have done no work on plots.
Bull Meadow Report:
Looking good. Email has gone to member regarding coppicing of 2 further trees.
Chippings needed. There is a dip at the entrance drive which will be infilled by hardcore which is already on site.
Treasurer’s Report:
Raffle raised £15.50 (thanks to Sheila) Bal: £4368.31.
Water will be turned on 1st April. Re-think on 20 year celebration. Weather permitting it will be now held on Saturday 20th June from 5p.m. at our Summer BBQ on site at Rosedale, food and drink will be supplied, all members/families welcome. Invitations to be sent to members and founder members. If our day for selling produce at Smiths Nursery does not happen we will look to having an extra open day on site in July. (As well as the usual day in August) It would be appreciated if members could grow a few extra crops for the occasions.
Veggie Talk:
Q: Is the length of chit important (seed potatoes of course!)
A: Should be short and green not long and white.
Cucumber: try just cutting half from plant, covering remaining half with plastic bag, the other half should continue to grow. Or you could pick them, wrap in a damp tea-towel and keep in fridge.